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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Little bits of gold will see us through. Sorry HP, but what is an 'eftpos' machine. I'm familiar with the 'After Time Money' machine, but trying to work out eftpos has kept me awake all night.
  2. We did use cash a lot more back then. I can remember my first pint in the Duck and Rabbit. Cost 1 shilling, and 8 and a half pence (d not p). You are too young to recall those days HP, but they were exciting. And the joy of hearing that cash jingling in ya pocket, as you walked through the doors of ya local, was uplifting. I'm gonna try to download the app tomorrow. Can't do it now, as I'm busy getting information on AN.
  3. People are getting blocked from using their accounts. Santander in the UK seem to be the worst. Once they block the account, it devilish difficult to get it unblocked if you are not in England. My Barclays account was blocked a few years back. I spoke to an India sounding lady on the help line. She couldn't understand me and I couldn't understand her. Got it all sorted a few days later however. And since then I've changed banks.
  4. A droll post that HP. Big C is OK for paying the leccy bill. And I'd rather Mrs Owl bought gold than handbags, shoes and glasses. I was happy when I lived in the Caribbean 40 years ago. No phones. No internet. Just music, dancing, clear blue water, soft sand and a splash of rum. But seriously! Are we more happy for all this technology? I admit I'm peeved about the Krungthai bank thing; but I'll get there.
  5. What!!?? Are you saying that I've gone and bought one in error? No wonder it's so complicated. I'll see if they'll take it back. But if they don't I'll just have to accept the 500 baht loss.
  6. I have a mobile phone. Just invested in an 'all singing' 'all dancing' bit of kit (on right). My old Nokia battery just couldn't cut the mustard, so I dug deep and bought a new one. So I'm no caveman, but I only want the phone for call and texts. """"How do you stay in touch when you're away from your laptop? How do you compare prices for instance? Find places? Read messages/emails? Pay anywhere for anything?"""" I do use the mobile if necessary. Just for calls and maybe a text. I buy the same stuff all the time. Don't really waste money on non-essentials or new things. I don't often go anywhere new, or where I don't know. However; If I do and I think I might get lost, I take my map-book. It's about 16 years old and has pages missing; but I manage OK. Don't access any internet stuff when I'm away from the house. I use cash whenever possible. Using them little squares with dots is too complicated and not for me. If I start using a 'smart phone', I'm playing into the devilish hands of the 'globalists' and 'banksters'. And then there is 5G!! At least my conscience is clear.
  7. @Bradiston reckons it will be difficult; if not impossible, for me to load the Krung Thai Next app onto my laptop. And he is probably right.. But I'll have a go tomorrow. TBH HP, I think it's a liberty what the banks are up to virtually everywhere. Customers getting blocked etc. But, I have to suck it up. There is no way I'll get a smart phone. I'd rather go and live in a chicken pen. But on the upside, the ladies who sort out the individual problems at my local bank, are nice and efficient.
  8. Can the Krung Thai Next app ve loaded onto my laptop? I'm using Linus Cinnamon Mint.
  9. Fortunately I have an account with Krungthai that is not internet linked and has an ATM card attached. Given the coming circumstances with KTB, I'll hold my money there, and just have to make provisions to do the essential transfers at the bank once a month. I don't want to use no 'app'. And I don't like the 'smart phones'. I'll manage, but with some inconvenience.
  10. Perhaps this is how they will all go before long. But I'm gonna visit Kasikorn and inquire. I don't like or trust the 'smart phones' or 'apps'.
  11. I hope not today too. I've got things to do. You think I'd be willing to die because some nutters want to punish another country? No way There is no need for for war in this day and age. But! Have to be aware of a false flag event that could trigger the nuke exchange. Get prepared people!!
  12. Of course, it there were to be a nuclear war it would lead to serious climate change. Real climate change; not the stuff we have now. For the great majority of humans and animals, life would be unbearable. Unless we had a way of living underground or in outer space. Outer space will be only possible for the elites, so underground is the way to go. However, most of us would be doomed. The best way to avoid dying is to prepare. Dig a deep hole and get in enough food and water to last for about 5 years. As soon as the bombing starts, get down the hole and stay there until all the provisions are used up, then come to the surface and take stock. IMO, WW111 is in the early stages now. Isaan is as good a place as any to be; but not next door to the VoA transmitting/listening station, which would surely get a nuke. And not too close to China, as in the Chiang Mai region. That's my assessment, and now I'm off to get me bottled water and baked beans.
  13. At the end of this month - which is now only days away - Krungthai is ending its KTB banking service. I've been using it for a number of years and found it to be simple and efficient. I don't own a 'smart phone' and this has caught me by surprise. Thinking of moving to Kasikorn. Not a happy Owl.
  14. I reckon you are right there Owl. But Saints are a strange lot; just when you think they are doomed, they go on a run. Have not forgot the PM. Will answer in email.
  15. Arsenal is the best team in the EPL at the mo. The two Manchesters next. The table doesn't tell lie. The Blues and The Reds will have to take stock and plan for next season. Everton are doomed. I'm rooting for Brighton and the Bees.
  16. They are cute alright. But I'm aware that they can grow up to be absolute <deleted>. I'll get some pics when they visit the farm for the first time today.
  17. Owl Log - 22-01-2023 - Sunday afternoon Not a cloud in the sky for a week. Been a little chilly, but warmer this morning. In just 40 days we will be in March; one of the hottest months of the year. Sometimes the hottest. Another pond dug out next to us. Only small but very deep. This is the Buddha farm. Her name is Chelsea. She supports Chelsea. And - it seems - is sponsored by them. Mildred's niece. The road works along the 2022 are well underway. First job is to move all the leccy posts back. It's gonna be grand. Hope they fill in the holes in the old sections. It's that time of year. Rice is done and the stubble is burnt. Sometimes it all gets out of control. The monks are doubling up. Gave the doggies a wash in the week. Then they are dried. Always thought that dogs shook themselves dry. What do I know! Perhaps the pups have to learn the skill. Just like we have to learn things. vid wash dog.mp4 Poo seems to be good friends with both the dogs. Ginger keeps his distance and Jack has changed carer. Not seen him for a week. He was my favourite too. Tried to catch a few pla nin yesterday. I stressed that it was the wrong time of day. But they gave it a go. Caught 20 or so. We got the two biggest and will have them for lunch today. vid throw net.mp4 Saw something really nice at the farm while we were after the fish. If it hadn't been for the mum flying in, we might not have noticed them. Bella's farm have a new little furnace. Nice colour scheme Mil. When we go to the farm we always feed the dogs. Chickens too, if we have food for them. This afternoon we plan to take Robert and Oscar to the farm, for the first time. Will be interesting to see what happens. Not just with the dogs, but more importantly, with the chickens.. The new arrivals have slowed Mildred's artwork down. But she did a painting as a school project called 'Dreams'. Had to write a story to go with it. I'll try to get it translated, when It's finished, and have a read. And it's out with the old and in with the new. My old Nokia was giving problems. The phone was OK, but the battery was going US. Tried to get a replacement but not surprisingly I couldn't. So i had to dive deep into my pocket for a replacement. I stayed with Nokia, as I had fond memories of a Finish lady that I knew from the past. She could do special things. But I digress. The phone is a bit complicated, and the camera is next to rubbish, but it's a nice colour and the shop lady managed to get all my old numbers onto the new phone. But most importantly; it was cheap. I'm using the old Nokia as an alarm clock, and if I could get a battery I'd go back. I have got a lovely gold phone that I've never used. It's a long story, but I was crossed between getting the phone - that the lady assured me was real gold plated - or a Rolex. I chose the phone but when I got home and unpacked it, there was no charger. The silly lady had forgotten to put it in the bag. Waste of 500 baht really. The Nokia battery is on the right. Footy round-up Lots of draws in the EPL yesterday. Including a very un-exciting game at Anfield; 0-0 with Chelsea. Good to see the Irons win a game. Everton look down and dishevelled. Frankie L's job not in doubt however. A spell in the Championship might do the Toffeez good. Rekindle the juices so to speak. Like Burnley. Everton are due to move into their new home next season. Will be great to see 50k gates for home games in the Championship. Orient crash at Stevenage 3-0. Owls scrape home against Fleetwood, and cement second spot. Owls vs Toffeez next season; mouth-watering! Man City comeback very well, against Spurs, to keep in second spot. Arsenal and United play today. As do Leeds. Cold weather caused a lot of matches to be postponed in the lower divisions. Only three games went ahead in Div 3. Thailand beat Vietnam 1-0 to win the AFF cup in Bangkok. 3-2 on aggregate, as they had drawn 2-2 away. Had one eye on the tennis in Melbourne (Oz). Andy Murray has gone. Not surprised. as only a day or so before he was playing at 4 in the morning. Djokovic steams ahead; although badly injured. Raducanu knocked out by favourite Gauff; who got beaten yesterday. It's wide open in the Ladies tournament. Naomi Osaka - Japan's pin-up tennis star - is expecting. So no more watching this delightful lady on court until 2024; or later. I also notice that the BBC are not putting the national flag against the Russian players. A bit petty that, I think. Big tennis tournament coming to Hua Hin soon. I'd pop along for a game or two if I was closer. Leccy bill for the last 30 days the highest I've seen it; over 2,000 baht! The MinL's about the same at 400 baht. Just had a guy come round asking if we - as in me, Mrs Owl and Mildred - wanted a free covid jab. Not seen Ting for over a month. If she forgets me and moves on; I'll understand. Still not gone to Udon to pick up my paperwork. Might leave it until my 90 day is ready next month. Started my fasting last Monday. Urine challenge has been shelved for now. Not sorry about that as I got fed up with trimming my eyebrows every day. But the hairs on my arm have grown to 50mm. So it must work. And my war-wound has become almost unnoticeable. World focus. Jacinda Ardern is no more. Burnout!! Happens to the best of us dear. The WEF, for 2023, is about to finish. Tony Blair gave a rousing talk about jabbing up Africa and vaxx-passports. I reckon he will be the WEF's next leader withing a couple of years. Moans and groans from the populas in the UK. Can't eat! Can't sleep! Can't heat! But they get along to support their footy teams. We English always have our priorities right. Not seen the budgies since their release from captivity. Mrs Owl wants to buy a pick-up. A Ford Wild-track has caught her eye. I'm pondering. Mrs Owl has cracked more tiles in the sink. I'll have a good look tomorrow. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  18. My Thai step-son came home from school early yesterday. "You're home early lad?" "Got caught sha@@ing a girl behind the toilets. The school director told me to leave and said not to come back; ever." "That's twice this month lad?" "Yup twice, and three times last year." "You carry on like this and you'll not be able to teach anywhere!" "Yup, but this time it was just plain bad luck." "How come?" "The caretaker walked round while we were at it. I offered him 200 baht to go away and keep quiet. But the girl protested, and said that was more than she was getting,"
  19. The answer is on all the Thai's faces. Yep; face masks! Get a couple of of them and pour away. After all, if they can stop a tiny virus, they could surely take out a bit of stringy stuff in the wine.
  20. I think the word you are seeking is 'blended'. I mix with Lao Khao, but a decent vodka would be OK. However, since the Ukraine conflict, vodka has been difficult to buy.
  21. Yes! They have some pups for sale now. They have so many that I was temped to get a couple more. but we don't live on the farm anymore, and it would have been just too difficult in the village. Beautiful dogs they are.
  22. Frenchmen may not be all adulterers, but they are the world's greatest lovers for sure.
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