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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Don't reckon it even matters. The world is gradually heading for WW111. These filthy leaders think they are safe in their bunkers.
  2. Well I think she is lovely. And if she turns out to be a 'he' then I hope she gets what she deserves.
  3. Owl Log - 29-01-2023 - Sunday morning The guy opposite Soo - Bella's farther - has got himself a Stihl chain-saw. He is much in demand around the village and near-by farms. Everywhere ya go there are felled trees. Sang has a not-so-nice surprise waiting for him when he arrives for Songram. That's what happens when you leave things in the sun. The doggies are doing OK. They have made friends with a couple of locals. Took them to the farm for the first time. Harnesses on. Mildred and Mrs Owl travelled in the rear with them for the journey. After they had a sniff about, they were let loose. Met the five dogs in Bella's farm for the first time. Chased a few chickens. Had a swim about. All went OK. After a meal of Somtam it was time for home. Spent 90 minutes at the farm. Gonna introduce them gradually to the farm's wide open spaces. Next trip Tuesday. Back home they had a wash. And dry. It's been a job getting to know what food they like. Bought them puppy tin food and puppy biscuit, but they seem to like the fishy cat food. Bought 40 cans in Big C last week. The pringles tubes are all filled with biscuit. After the rice has laid in the sun for a few hours, it's time to put the sheet away. vid roll mat.mp4 They did manage it in the end. Poo and Ginger love to get in the pick-up at every opportunity. It's not all about cutting them down. New trees planted. Found some old pics and vids on a sim (not mine), from a couple of years back. Plugged it into a card-reader. 800 pics and vids in all. Goats look so cute. Spot the farang. At Prajek Park. vid feed pidgs.mp4 And round the corner in the Chinese sector. vid china fish.mp4 I had the Minolta camera around my neck - fortunately - and was watching the guys pull the tree over. vid cut nut tree.mp4 World focus. Europe and US sending 100 tanks and 200 armoured vehicles between them to the Ukraine/Russia front. Could this be a turning point in the conflict? A German government guy says they are at war with Russia. Gradually ramping up the conflict to a fully fledged war. Problems in the UK Government. A naughty MP gets fined for tax evasion, and Boris borrows 800k squids. New boss of the BBC comes under scrutiny. Aryna Sabalenka wins the ladies title in Melbourne. Is she Russian or Belarusian? Whatever she is, the BBC refuse to say one way or t'other, and will not put her national flag next to her name. Big one today. Is Djokovic gonna win his 20 something slam, or will the Greek Tsitsipas take his first GS title? Local news. Taiwanese lady gives Thai police 27k of her hard earned dosh; then moans to Interpol. Thaksin gonna return to Thailand soon. Ladies international tennis starts tomorrow at the True Arena; Hua Hin. Footy roundup. The Owls hold on to get a replay in the FA Cup. No shocks so far this round. Unusual results,,,. All the matches in the Aussie League yesterday finish in 2-2 draws. In the Scottish Highland League four teams win 6-0; Including Banks O'Dee. Cove get crushed 0-5 at home to Ayr Utd. USA 1 - Serbia 2. As was hinted at last Sunday; Frankie Lampard has vacated the managerial office at Everton. Lamps expended more energy on the touchline than the whole team on the field when I last watched them. Should have kept the manager and gave the team away. Mildred off school for the next three days. I'll get my revenge in the chess. Finished my diet last night. Three days without food. Only drank water. Gonna do this once a month. Gotta get that liver sorted. The Urine therapy has been relegated down the list of healthy things to do. For now! Cold this morning 11C. I think Bannork is right about the mangoes. These Thai fruit trees are not accustomed to such a prolonged cold spell. 'Gab' was taken down in the whole of Asia last week. Evidently it was hit with 1 billion requests of service a minute; and was sent crashing. Sent away for a 64gb flash drive. Delivered next day. So far so good. Uploaded 20k pics and short vids. The 128g one that I got on the cheap, is rubbish. In all, only 2g was ever usable. And now I can't even get it recognised on me laptop. Waste of 101 baht that. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  4. When we wrote in BASIC or COBOL back in the 1970s, we would put in little bits of code to do sum-checks on start-up. I wrote stuff in assembler and did a programme for OTIS; the lift people. Not so worried about viruses back then as people copying the coding, and presenting it as their own. When the Internet was in it's early stages, I was sometimes writing up to 5 sites a week from my shop in Wembley (UK). The biggest problem then, was establishing what the customer actually wanted. So had to be both an analyst and coder.
  5. I've fished in a lot of places here, and never caught a pacu more than a couple of kiloes. Wife caught a 34kg catfish in Chonburi. I'll dig out a pic for that. We also have Gourami in pond seven, but they are mini-gouramis not giants. I only fish in ponds one and two for fish to eat; mostly pla nin. As for passports. I got Mildred a UK one when she was about 2. Never used it, but I thought it important to get her into the system. Easier to renew a passport than get one from scratch when in the teens. So far so good. The wife's visa was a nightmare. And when she finally got going, she was detained in Kuala Lumpa and missed her follow-on-flight to London. Had to get her a ticket back to Bangkok a few days later. Also flights to Spain from England were wasted. In all, lots of dosh done and also - just like yourself - tons of stress; all round.
  6. Not to fret Toffeemen; Big Sam is available.
  7. Frank Lampard is no more. Got the sack this afternoon, I believe.
  8. Unless it's required for work, I think most can do without this stuff. All this tech is taking the world down a dark avenue.
  9. First I thought of a purse. Then a pocket. But now I reckon 'money-box'
  10. Indeed!! And he is still trying to control people. Jabs for Africa and jab IDs for the western world. All linked to ones smart-phone.
  11. I don't, as a rule, carry coins in my pocket. As soon as I get home I put them in the daughter's 'money tube'. Last year she got a few thousand baht for her account. But, I got thinking, where do those little red sods come from? They are worth next to nothing and not really worth saving. The supermarkets are where they come from!! Went to Big C yesterday and got three of them; 25 satang a piece. Now these are the ideal coins to press into ya ears. The are small enough to go right in, and then it's doubtful if you could hear the wife's yak-yak. Think I'll try it.
  12. I would say it was about 15 years ago when a condo block in Pattaya designed a unique entry. All you had to do was put your finger in a hole and the outer gate would open. The same thing at the bottom of the block and the same thing again at your condo door. It was scrapped, due to the fear that fingers might attach themselves to the wrong hands. I'm sure some Patts long-termers will recall that time.
  13. If you are happy with the technology; good for you. It can open possibilities that were not possible just 50 years ago. I appreciate that. But IMO it can lead us down a dark path. I'm well past thinking that governments actually care about the populas. I'm not naive either into thinking that all this advance tech is for our benefit. A listen to Sir Blair's - or Lord Blair - input, at the recent WEF gathering, should make us very wary.
  14. I like the KTB system. The one that is about to be no more. I like their web site, and TBH it was simplicity itself. Suddenly life will become more difficult; starting next week.
  15. I have internet banking; it's true. I get the job done on my laptop. I appreciate that the days have gone when my pension is handed to me on my doorstep. What are 'smart-pnones' essentially about? Do they really make us happier? Have they improved our lives? Or are they the first steps in surveillance and control? If we keep going at this rate we will be just a number in some world government's giant computer.
  16. All the more reason to run the two systems together, rather than discontinue the one that works well.
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