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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. I don't think you have to remove the ballast, just the starter,
  2. Tops has a nice you-buy-we-fry gig going as well.
  3. By "hardcore religious fundamentalists" you mean people that actually practice their faith, yes?
  4. You mean the court that is run by leftists and has no power over Israel? Why would they?
  5. Yes, the left, that are largely responsible for destroying everything that the religious built, always blame the religious for the destruction.
  6. A cowboy, an Indian and a Muslim are sitting at the gate waiting for their flight. The old Indian looks out the window and sadly says: "Once mu people were many, but now we are few.". The Muslim stands up and states: "Once my people were few, but now we are many! Why do you suppose that is?" The cowboy pushed his hat back and says: "That's because we haven't got around to playing cowboys and Muslims yet, but we's a fixin' to....
  7. "If Trump is convicted, appellate courts will focus on the law and the evidence. They will raise these and unless they decide to stretch the law beyond all current authority, they will likely reverse. But that’s irrelevant, because prosecutors will still have their verdict before the 2024 election. It’s honestly appalling for any lawyer to feel like he has to write that. Frank Snyder is Executive Professor of Law at Texas A&M University School of Law." https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/daily-memo/3011093/brad-smith-what-i-would-have-told-trump-jury/
  8. Or the old: "Attention hippies, the rock candy in the urinals is not for you."
  9. The obvious, but disturbing, answer is that there is none, but for political reasons they want a guilty verdict, notwithstanding the law. Juries sometimes find it difficult to follow unfamiliar statutes with multiple elements. When they can’t, prosecutors hope they may rely on the prosecution’s big picture—Trump stole the 2016 election and covered it up—rather than niggling details like the actual elements of the crime. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/3007722/trump-trial-verdict-now-law-later/
  10. It’s not that the prosecutors are incompetent. They’re experienced and skillful. They just don’t seem to have any relevant evidence. They don’t seem even to be trying to fit evidence into the specific charges. Why? https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/3007722/trump-trial-verdict-now-law-later/
  11. I do not think people are typically going early to book tables at the food courts. I love the shoes left to save spots in line at government offices.
  12. "In short, the prosecution proved what everyone already knew: Daniels asked for money, Trump told Cohen handle the matter, Cohen paid Daniels, and Trump reimbursed him. What is disturbing here to an old lawyer who’s proud of his profession, is that the Manhattan District Attorney dedicated seven years, countless thousands of lawyer hours, and many millions of dollars to bring a case that (as a class 5 felony) equivalent in seriousness to the unlicensed sale an ounce of weed or hitting your ex’s car door with a hammer. So relatively minor, yet they still can’t seem to prove it." https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/3007722/trump-trial-verdict-now-law-later/
  13. If I showed you, I'd have to kill you...
  14. So the CEO of Boeing gets a pass because he has "experts" installing the doors?
  15. People supporting murder of innocent people in Israel are a disgrace and should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. Shame on you !
  16. "Twenty-three of the counts also fail because the checks and ledger entries are not “false.” The checks reflect exactly what happened: Trump paid Cohen the amount specified. The checks have not been tampered with. In New York, a document that contains only true information cannot be “false,” no matter what the defendant has done. The same applies to the twelve ledger entry counts, which accurately record the transactions. Even if the transaction were fraudulent, the entries about it would be true. As for the crime the alleged plot was trying to conceal—well, the prosecution still hasn’t said what it is. The D.A. has suggested three possible crimes involving federal election law, state election law, and federal tax law. But no evidence at the trial shows any of those." https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/3007722/trump-trial-verdict-now-law-later/
  17. Nervous and desperate about what? I've said all along that I expect Trump will be convicted.
  18. Or you could just book a table before you get your food.
  19. "First, none of the alleged false items is a “business record” under New York law because all of them were invoiced, paid, and recorded in Trump’s personal accounts, not those of any of his enterprises. No New York court has ever extended the statute to apply to individual making entries in his own personal checking account. Next, there is no evidence that these entries themselves were made with “intent to defraud” anyone. All relate to Trump’s personal accounts, either his checkbook or his revocable trust. Nobody but Trump and his employees would ever see them. It would be absurd and unprecedented to charge an individual with attempting defraud himself." https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/3007722/trump-trial-verdict-now-law-later/
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