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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. Yeah, too bad we don't have the missile defense system Obama agreed to cancel in return for Putin giving him space before the election.
  2. It's what they are supposed to be doing, and there is no evidence they are not. Why? Did they just not hire 75K with the phony "Inflation Reduction Act" and did not realize any significant benefit? I say make everyone's tax returns public information
  3. More lame deflection from you! 🤣 Deflect, deflect, deflect! 😆
  4. Harris-Walz support mass illegal migration Harris-Walz support men in girls' showers Harris-Walz support hiring based on skin color and or "gender" Yet you would vote for them because Trump lies about releasing his taxes and how much he plays golf? Harris a Walz are both proven liars as well.
  5. I think this is great news. Using AI to find people with money they have illegally and ferreting out tax evaders seems like money well spent. It's not the poor evading taxes, everyone should pay their fair share! 💵💵💵💵💵
  6. Do you support mass illegal migration? Do you support men in girls' showers? Do you support hiring based on skin color or "gender"? That was the choice we had. Accept all three, or vote Trump.
  7. Yeah, I do not think his tax returns are anyone's business, and they have all been carefully scrutinized by the IRS so he is not a tax cheat. He had nothing to gain by releasing them and a lot to lose. I don't care that he played more or less golf than Obama, and don't care. I thought Obama was the worst President of my lifetime, up until Biden took office. I do not see either of those "lies" of any significance.
  8. I make a small transition in the app before I get to immigration. Book the immigration queue Go to the bank and ask for the letter and update the book. Go get the photocopies of the book. Come back and the letter is ready. Get a coffee at S & P and wait...
  9. You also have to consider the currency fluctuation. I'm getting 4.5 in the US, but that is locked in for the term and has penalties for early withdrawal.
  10. You had me right up to your moronic Trump (trump?) rant. I still find your limp-di*k, weak-a** protest by not capitalizing Trump hilarious.
  11. What of significance do you think Trump is lying about?
  12. Biden/Obama (redundant) State Department officials no doubt. The same ones that pushed the Russian collusion hoax and rounded up the 51 liars that said Hunter's laptop had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation?
  13. So, links to a silly leftist website, right. JustSecurity.org? Was AlterNet not available? What a hoot.
  14. I believe it escaped from the lab accidentally. Occam's razor
  15. Sorry, your right, I corrected it: That's what I said. Grifter Biden withheld a billion dollars of congressionally mandate aid to Ukraine until the prosecutor investigating the company Hunter Biden had business dealings with was fired. Biden canceled the weapons shipments to Ukraine the moment he got into office (the arms shipments Trump (trump?) initiated) and also cancelled the sanctions Trump put on Russia. Biden also effectively canceled the EastMed pipeline, the Keystone pipeline and canceled oil leases, all benefiting Russia. How about the Afghanistan debacle? Any reasonable person has to assume that level of incompetence had to embolden Putin. We good now?
  16. Did any of these occur across the street from a poorly secured high-level bio-lab involved in gain of function research for bio-warfare?
  17. Typical lame-a** leftist response then they make false claims they can't support.
  18. Poor, poor lefty, posting links to leftist websites he has not read, and pretending they prove something they do not. Typical.
  19. The people running the Wuhan lab know for sure, and no one else is allowed to investigate.
  20. I use my Krungsri, Mee Tae Dai account for immigration. Interest is variable, and the number of withdrawals per month is limited. I think it's about 1.5% right now. I like it because they have an office at Chiang Wattana Immigration that is much faster than the K-Bank and Bangkok Bank.
  21. Dean Stockwell: "You want me to pour the beer Frank?" What a great picture, but not one to watch alone, or just once.
  22. What do you like? I like: Victor Davis Hanson Megyn Kelly (I like to watch this) Hugh Hewitt The Glenn Show Ink-Stained Wretches Getting Hammered Ruthless The Editors The Charles C. W. Cooke The Dershow But my new favorite is: "Free Thinking Through the Forth Turning" with Sasha Stone Any suggestions from the left?
  23. They may have just quit to avoid being s-canned in the event something was not on the up and up.
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