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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. 6' is small for a bull-shark and could easily have been mistaken for a reef shark.
  2. I thought them a bit convenient, but they should have let it play out in court.
  3. Exactly, they were spending their own money. California has so much excess solar they have to pay other states to take it. And at night, they have to buy power from the states the have to pay to take the power during the day. Over 160 years ago, the US built the transcontinental railroad in five years over mountains and rivers and valleys, over 3,000km, basically with picks, shovels and explosives. California High Speed Rail Project: Proposition 1A passed in 2008 Awarded federal stimulus funds in 2010 Construction contracts began to be awarded in 2013 Construction stated January 2015. Original projected completion: 2021 Original budget: $10 billion Current projected completion: 2030-2033 Current projected budget: $28-35 billion ''The Merced–Bakersfield line is expected to be finished between 2030 and 2033, with passenger service starting around that time. However, the project's CEO has said that another $100 billion may be needed to finish the project, and some engineers and project managers believe it may not be completed in the 21st century.''
  4. They did the right thing, and I think Trump did the wrong thing by canceling the case . He should have let it play out in the court.
  5. No, it was Al Gore
  6. I feel bad for the woman, but I think it's a situation where we see all kinds of videos of people interacting with sharks and whatnot and people just think it's okay. I'm surprised there's not more of this stuff. It is a bit sad so many people think it's funny.
  7. And Putin also, he is the puppet master.
  8. What do the Ukrainians what they need to successfully kick out the raping looting criminals out of their country period all stop? Why did the Biden administration not give this to them? Why did the Biden administration cancel the weapons shipments to Ukraine Trump initiated, that Obama had refused to provide? Why did the Biden administration cancel the sanctions Trump had put on Russia? Why did the Biden administration effectively cancel the EastMed Pipeline project that would have significantly reduced dependance on Russian natural gas? Why is this Trump's fault now?
  9. When I was shaving every day, a Fusion blade lasted over a month. It does not seem like something where a large cost savings is going to be found. That said, I always shave after a shower and use Cremo shave cream, which I think makes the blades last longer. Now that I am retired, I use a trimmer to keep a short beard and just shave my neck about once a week. I do not remember the last time I had to change blades. I find the disposables generally cr*p, but okay in a pinch. I've tried a few of the Dorco products, but I did not like them as well as the fusion. I have an old Parker double-edge I would break out on special occasions, but I don't have those much anymore, and I do not see well enough without my glasses to use it. I can shave blind with the fusion.
  10. No, it is because people like you believe you are superior to people like me, which you think gives you the right to post things that are not true about people you disagree with. Lexi Thompson plays on the LPGA, not the PGA.
  11. Well, that certainly proves Trump is Musk's puppet. So where does that leave Putin? Maybe Mush can take his kid to wipe a booger on Putin's desk, and that will cause the Russian people to rise up against him. Your buffoonery is pretty tiresome. You're obsessed with Trump, we get it. Did he bang your mom or something? Dude needs to get a grip.
  12. That's what he did. You and SiSe, two peas in a pod. That said, he seems a bit more vulgar than you, his education degree is probably from a more expensive school than yours.
  13. But he did invest the money for them, which means you were lying, as usual. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 😭 But you were right when you said China gave the money to Biden BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 😭 BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 😭
  14. Oh, so were just regurgitating nonsense, and not links, got it.
  15. What did I say about sanctions, genius? How was your nap?
  16. Liar. Kushner invested money for the Saudis. China invested in Biden.
  17. More links for the side that is incapable from formulating their own argument. Men can be women, women can be men, facts from the left.
  18. I think he's great, and MAGAs don't see race and pronouns as qualification's the was the left does. Tim Walz was so much better qualified that J.D. Vance, right?
  19. No, I meant the one with the 5th largest economy in the world, the most homeless people in the county, the most people under the poverty line in the country, schools in the bottom 10% of the country, some of the highest crime rates in the country and the highest tax rate in the country. Yeah, the sate run by that buffoon Gavin Newsom that let all the homes burn to save the delta smelt. What's it called again?
  20. How long have the Ukrainians been feeling the pain? Everyone needs the war to end.
  21. I think it's great he was confirmed, what do you think?
  22. He's another leftist that's only capable of regurgitating leftist nonsense headlines from RawStory or some-such.
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