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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. We used Citibank at work and had a zero balance account. Whenever you drew on the account (or deposited) it just went through the account from/to the overseas account. When they set it up, Citi had staff in our office for a few days installing the software and training and whatnot. While they were there they let everyone that wanted one sign up for the Citibank Mastercard as well.
  2. And it is worth nothing that when transferring a larger amount into Thailand from Chase in the US, when Krungsri receives the dollars they will call you and tell you the rate, and they will hold it in dollars until you like the rate.
  3. If I were going back single I'd spend a few years in Point Loma and then perhaps NC or TN.
  4. I agree that it makes sense to sell a home if one is moving. I would much rather have $100K in a brokerage account than $100K in equity in a home ten thousand miles away.
  5. I can't speak to "Instrarem" or "Moneydee", and perhaps it is different with other banks and or other countries, but I have used TransferWise/Wise any number of times, and I know with absolute certainty that for larger transfers (over ~US$10K) , doing an online transfer from Chase bank in the US to a Thai account is cheaper. But yes, if you select Chase's "free" default option and transfer in THB rather than selecting the flat-fee, and transfer in US$, you will get raped on the transfer rate.
  6. I grew up in SoCal and used to love it, still visit family there once or twice a year, but unless I got divorced I wouldn't move back on a bet.
  7. Hooker in lower Manhattan hails a cab for a lift uptown. Cab stops in front of the hooker's building, looks int he rearview and says: That'll be $24.70 doll." The hooker catches his eye in the mirror, cocks her her leg up exposing her source of income and invitingly says" "Take it out in trade?" Whereupon the cabbie says: "Ah, jeeze lady, don't 'cha have nothin' smaller?"
  8. It's been my experience that services like TransferWise/Wise are only cheaper for small transfers.
  9. Yeah, her mate that got smacked seemed to disappear pretty quick... I still say it was staged
  10. Open a new thread, don't make wild claims, and don't respond to people who do. Nothing stopping you is there?
  11. She wasn't called a tramp, she was described as a "raeron" which (apparently) translates to tramp. Hopefully they figure out who she was. RIP
  12. Do you think we know what happened? It did not look to me like anyone was actually trying to hurt anyone. Her hair certainly seemed to have dried quickly,,,, I think it was staged to promote the woman.
  13. I'm pretty sure someone only getting $1500 a month in SS or SSI qualifies for section eight housing, "food stamps" and other benefits.
  14. What is the pitch of the roof? If there is not enough pitch it is virtually impossible to stop a tile roof. from leaking.
  15. Is it just me or does this seem like a lot of work and bother for a few baht? OP, do you have insurance?
  16. Why is it when old dudes start off saying something like "Rather than bragging..." they most always come around to bragging about something?
  17. Careful, we don't want dude freaking out any more than he already is.
  18. Traveled with the circus circumcising the elephants. It didn't pay much, but the tips were big...
  19. I'm not embarrassed. I'm the one trying to explain why private companies would continue building gas-fired electrical generation facilities when renewables are so much cheaper, or why renewables and EVs have to be mandated and subsidized even though they're so much cheaper and better, or having to pretend the fossil fuel industries get huge subsidies. That would be you. I think EVs and a lot of renewables are great, I'm just against subsidies, mandates and liars. To be clear, I am not calling you a liar.
  20. Maybe Hertz can actually start taking delivery now that they're out of bankruptcy.
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