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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. Not sure about Thailand, but I think most residential boilers ship with the temp set at ~50C,
  2. Everyone seems to love working with tubing, but in my opinion, angle is easier to weld and it is much better for structural work, particularly if it's going outside. Some manufacturers (Miller is one) have free online tutorials which are good. One problem with online stuff in general is that unless you already know a good bit about something, it's hard to tell who's full of sh*t and who's not.
  3. Anything in particular? OEM, aftermarket or both? We manufactured commercial and industrial HVAC products. Mostly dampers, louvers and sound attenuators. Most of our stainless stuff was for tunnel and water treatment.
  4. Again, if the drain is configured correctly the unit should never leak. I have seven units and none of them ever leaks.
  5. In the US they sell tablets to put in the pan to stop the growth, you might try finding some here or ordering on Amazon.
  6. I doubt the brand of the unit has anything to do with it. The pan is likely not draining completely. I would would check the configuration of the drain pipes. Long, small diameter drain pipes with little grade are always a problem. If the drains are installed correctly, the pan will drain completely and never drip.
  7. I apologize, I should have made myself more clear. What I said was that I believe most production welding of stainless steel in Thailand is MIG. That would be my experience. I never said or meant to imply that all production welding of stainless in Thailand was MIG, or that TIG welding was not used in production. You were absolutely correct when you said: "You cannot comment on weld method if you never see the product." I cannot, but to be clear, I did not mean to imply that MIG was best for all products. Do you think the weld in your video was sound? I would bet there was not 20% pentation, probably less than 10%.
  8. I would let him get it done and see what you have. Clearly pumping a ground-level tank full of water and depending on gravity to supply the homes is not going to work.
  9. Well I hope the welds don't look like the welds in the video you posted.
  10. We built product or projects all over the county, and I assure you, our customers expected high quality products that were dimensionally correct.
  11. Again, for home shop you TIG is probably great, but you are not running production. Are you trying to run solid wire? We ran flux core wire with ArCO2 mix.
  12. I responded to the claim that "... that most SS work here is TIG." I did not claim TIG was limited to "small work" or "small shops". What I said was that perhaps most SS welding at small job-shops was TIG, but I would bet most stainless production welding is MIG, and I stand by that.
  13. Apparently she had two, and them both to produce five children.
  14. Small job-shops perhaps, but I'd bet most stainless production welding is MIG. The only stick welding we did here was for hardfacing and we imported the rod.
  15. It's the first one you linked to, and the only one I looked at, but apparently the coal plant you claimed was being replaced the renewables was not. The article was written to make is appear that way but it's just not true. The shut-down of the Indiantown coal-fired plant was just part of new the gas-fired Okeechobee Energy Center coming online in 2019. So again, why would Florida Power & Light build a new gas-fired plant when it would be so much cheaper to go with renewables?
  16. So in Florida they are replacing 400 Megawatt coal plant with a 75 Megawatt of solar. I wonder where they getting the rest of the power?
  17. Do you not have even a single example a a fossil fuel plant that is being replaced by renewables?
  18. Yes, it's so cheap almost no existing fossil fuel plants in the US are converting to renewables. And this is (apparently) because these companies do not care about their profits or their shareholders. They are all run by evil conservatives that believe desecrating the environment is much more important than corporate profit.
  19. No one has said it was okay to smoke it the condominium rules forbid it. Please get a grip, it's really not that scary, no one is going to blow the killer smoke on you.
  20. Some people are just miserable and they want others to be miserable as well. The just can't stand the idea of someone enjoying something that terrifies them.
  21. What does that even mean? But yes, if North Korea hacked into Apple, I would not care as long as I kept "raking in the profits".
  22. I built a lot of product for the Airport Link Tunnel in Brisbane. Those guys were real particular about welding and paint. Project lasted almost a year and sent a weld inspector that stayed for a month at a time.
  23. Who is selling the condo? Why not get it from them?
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