Vance grew up poor and Joined the Marines right out high school during the Iraq war. He is a combat veteran, yet the left loves to attempt to disparage his service claiming he was a "combat correspondent". The Marines had a kid that could write, so they put him in a job writing.
Then he goes to The Ohio State and gets bachelor’s degree in political science and philosophy and graduates summa cum laude in two years.
Then he goes to Yale Law School and get his JD, where he met his wife.
Then he writes a bestseller and is a suddenly a hero to the left.
He has three children with his beautiful, brilliant wife, who graduated summa cum laude from Yale Law School where she was the editor of the Yale Law Journal and went on to clerk for a few judges including Chief Justice John Roberts before joining a private firm.
This is who the hate-filled left attacks as weird and stupid, likely because they realize how weak and pathetic he makes them look and feel.
Imagine Kamala Harris or Tim Walz giving a speech in the same situation.