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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. You are correct and I apologize. I was conflating price with quality. As you (apparently) believe the two are unrelated, I was wrong in making that claim.
  2. Look Buddy, I was not the one that brought helmet cost into the discussion, that was brought into the discussion by others. That said, is does a high-quality helmet not generally cost more than a low-quality helmet? I wish I were able to quote your 2-3 times as likely to die in a crash as I would guess it is demonstrably false. Why not re-post the data and we'll have a look. I don't know what you think my position is, but to be clear, I believe: 1. Everyone riding a motorcycle should wear a helmet. 2. That wearing a helmet significantly improves the rider's chances of surviving a serious accident. 3. That only helmets of a reasonable quality should be available for sale to the public.
  3. We have both lived in Thailand a good while, yes? My home country is the US, yours (apparently) the UK. I look at the crime in Thailand, and the crime in the US and I think they generally do a pretty good job here. Do they do a good job of enforcing traffic laws? No. Crime rate in Thailand is trending down, while the crime rate in the US (which is already significantly higher) is trending up. But our thinking seems to be that our Western ideas are going to improve things. It is my position that that they will not. It is my position that Billy-Bob ending up in a coma because he was drunk, riding a motorcycle without a helmet while talking to his girlfriend on the phone is not a good reason to stop kids from having the time of their lives riding three or four up to school out in the provinces. To be clear, I support enforcing traffic laws, but there are many more laws I support more strongly. I also support mandating a minimum quality helmet standard, but it makes little sense if people are not wearing them, and while policing Lotus for selling unapproved helmet may be relatively easy, policing Lazada and all the mom-and-pop shops will not be. Everything is a trade-off. Resources used to compel the use of helmets have to come from somewhere.
  4. Best solution for you probably, and then you would not have to feel guilty for not sending her money. I assume you already have someone lined up to step in as a new mother for the girl, yes?
  5. Can he not speak for himself? I'm sorry, but the condescending attitude so many people here is sickening.
  6. More gaslighting! I currently dive from Bangkok to Salaya at least once a week and to Samut Prakan at least every other. I drove from Kabinburi to Bangkok every week for over twenty years. I see you all the time blowing by me doing 140 in your Vios.... (just kidding)
  7. From your previous post: "You are quite clearly being deliberately argumetative and I think most people here will easily see how. If you see most people wearing crash helmets or even the majority of them, you must live in a different country to that which I spend a lot of my time in. The last time I spent much time in the city, Bangkok was no different - if that's changed, that's great news." I just thought you might want some great news. Bangkok had changed a lot in the ten=twenty years since you've been here.
  8. Somchai? You sound like a racist. Is a cheap helmet better than no helmet or not? I am not arguing that riding with a helmet is not safer than riding without a helmet, nor am I arguing that an expensive helmet is (generally) not better than a cheap helmet, so I'm not clear what you're about. I've had six motorcycles, a mini-bike and a go-kart. Sold the last one in '88, so I know little of modern equipment. I also had access to a company bike (typically Waves) for the over twenty years I worked in Thailand, but only rode it occasionally around the plant. I've had a number of accidents on bikes, one of which was serious. I quit riding because after my last accident it was not fun anymore. I wish everyone would wear a helmet, but I never liked wearing a helmet and I have no interest in compelling others to wear one.
  9. or buy a cheap donut spare.
  10. I saw the engine on a hydraulic crane catch fire when some moron gassed it up, spilled some and then started it....
  11. I've been here since 2000 and I have been to turn the engine off asked (I think) twice. I think they only put the signs on older cars.
  12. Once you have a kid, everything else is just stuff! I get see a podiatrist every other month and have a hand/foot-spa in the off month.
  13. I was responding to someone moaning the helmets people wear are too cheap. Please try to follow along.
  14. More gas-passing. I was asking a question that you have avoided answering. That you are up in arms about people not wearing helmets you (apparently) don't give a whit about the law when you're speeding on the motorway is telling albeit not surprising. Again, what business it is of yours whether other people choose to wear a helmet? What negative affect does it have on you?
  15. Well, now you're changing your story, before in was Thais don't wear helmets, now it's most Thais out in the county. I have not been to Korat in a few years, but I was in Kabinburi for years and I would say most Thails in wear helmets there. In any event, I do not understand what business it is of mine or yours whether people want to wear a helmet or not.
  16. I own the comment, and I stand by my statement that it is not racial profiling.
  17. So you rail against others breaking the law, but you apparently see yourself above it. I've driven in Bangkok traffic daily for quite a long time, and while I see people without helmets, far and away most are wearing helmets. Why does fear of punishment (apparently) not work for other crimes? City of London Crime and Safety Statistics | CrimeRate There are many not rich people than rich people. The why are other crimes not rampant? How does someone else not wearing a helmet have a significant impact on you? I lot of people see the law as silly much like you see driving 140 on the motorway. The taxis I see generally drive pretty well.
  18. So everyone not wearing a helmet one night in jail and bike confiscated until the rider shows with a helmet to pick it up. Perfect!
  19. I fished that El Nino in '97, it was epic!
  20. I think it worth noting that people sitting inside the vehicle is being fueled, is not fueling the vehicle. The person outside the vehicle operating the pump is the one fueling the vehicle. Why would laws (if any) regarding not using a phone while fueling would not apply to people sitting inside the vehicle.
  21. Yet that's what you are suggesting when you claim you want the fine to hurt. To make it hurt, you have to have a bigger fine for the rich than the poor, yes? If a rich guy doesn't want to wear a helmet, does he really care that he has to pay a thousand Baht now and then?
  22. Nice, now every new car will have to have a $1,000 interlock of the cap
  23. How do blind people read the fire button, wouldn't it be too hot?
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