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Everything posted by Nemises

  1. 1/ Cannot read the full article because it is behind a pay wall. 2/ The little that is readable says words to the effect of "Albanese Government hints at changing tax regime for non-residents" 3/ The article was written 2 full years ago!!! 4/ The next Federal Election will (most likely) be next year and there's no certainty that the Albanese Government will be re-elected
  2. Lots of “ifs” and “coulds” in your speculation, but the facts are: never a had a problem over many years and neither have scores of others I know who use the same agent - and have been for even more years. But hey, let’s not let facts get in the way of your speculation and doomsaying 🤣
  3. “Looking at” ”possibly” ”probably” all in the one sentence! Will worry about that IF and when that time ever comes. Until then, will keep laughing at the scaremongering 🤣
  4. If the “proposed changes” ever do happen (yawn), then I will simply return to Australia for 46 days within the 183 days and begin a new holiday to Thailand again.
  5. Pays an agent to do everything.
  6. No, google is not his friend because he wants to ask a Thai forum for their advice. If you have nothing helpful to post simply keep scrolling.
  7. ^^^ good 👍 or: Australia Resident - if you don’t own an Australian property I am on a 1 year overseas holiday in Thailand. My stuff is in storage at [insert name of Aus relative or friend]’s house. I do not own any property nor have a lease in Thailand because I am constantly travelling around Thailand. I intend to return to Australia next year and decide then if I will stay or go travelling overseas again.
  8. No reports? No TM30s? No fees for reentry? No contact at all with an immigration drone? I think not. You are wrong. Been living here many years, have never been into an immigration office nor have any idea where it is.
  9. Can do this in Thailand also.
  10. Thanks, but the request was for a link.
  11. Do you have a link that you think is “right”?
  12. Oh, really. Can you provide link which you don’t think is BS? TIA
  13. Can you provide a link?
  14. Not according to: https://www.expatica.com/th/about/basics/cost-of-living-in-thailand-2172847/
  15. It’s a big country with lots of different levels of affordability. Where in Thailand does it cost you 31,000?
  16. And suck in that lovely, clean Bangkok air! 🤣
  17. And a further 800m to get up to your waist.
  18. For a hot bath, not for refreshment.
  19. No thanks. Just a cooling breeze … and a refreshing water temperature … and where you don’t need to walk a kilometre out to sea before the water is waist-high.
  20. lol. Good luck with that when posting a stupid thread
  21. And it’s taken you how many years to work this out?!
  22. Get your “new aircon” fixed.
  23. The beaches look beautiful but generally speaking they are too uncomfortable due to the high air temperature, the high water temperature, the high humidity, the hot/ non refreshing breeze and the ridiculously shallow water.
  24. They’re just doing their job. Stay home if you want to pour your own beer. Next…
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