1/ Cannot read the full article because it is behind a pay wall.
2/ The little that is readable says words to the effect of "Albanese Government hints at changing tax regime for non-residents"
3/ The article was written 2 full years ago!!!
4/ The next Federal Election will (most likely) be next year and there's no certainty that the Albanese Government will be re-elected
Lots of “ifs” and “coulds” in your speculation, but the facts are: never a had a problem over many years and neither have scores of others I know who use the same agent - and have been for even more years. But hey, let’s not let facts get in the way of your speculation and doomsaying 🤣
“Looking at”
all in the one sentence!
Will worry about that IF and when that time ever comes. Until then, will keep laughing at the scaremongering 🤣
If the “proposed changes” ever do happen (yawn), then I will simply return to Australia for 46 days within the 183 days and begin a new holiday to Thailand again.
^^^ good 👍
Australia Resident
- if you don’t own an Australian property
I am on a 1 year overseas holiday in Thailand. My stuff is in storage at [insert name of Aus relative or friend]’s house. I do not own any property nor have a lease in Thailand because I am constantly travelling around Thailand. I intend to return to Australia next year and decide then if I will stay or go travelling overseas again.
No reports? No TM30s? No fees for reentry? No contact at all with an immigration drone?
I think not.
You are wrong.
Been living here many years, have never been into an immigration office nor have any idea where it is.
No thanks. Just a cooling breeze … and a refreshing water temperature … and where you don’t need to walk a kilometre out to sea before the water is waist-high.
The beaches look beautiful but generally speaking they are too uncomfortable due to the high air temperature, the high water temperature, the high humidity, the hot/ non refreshing breeze and the ridiculously shallow water.