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Everything posted by Nemises

  1. I know a guy who is spending his 2 years living in hostels! Costs about $30 - $35 per night leaving enough dole money to easily cover food and the occasional beer. He loves it, all hostels provide free A/C, WiFi, hot showers, communal kitchens, laundry, TV rooms etc. Some even have free swimming pools and free movie theatres. Some are located dead centre in big cities thus providing him with hundreds of things to do, including having public transport across the city and surrounding country areas capped at $2.50 per day. For added security and peacefulness, he only ever shares up to a 4 bedroom dorm room and always gets a large, free locker for his suitcases and valuables. Apparently he has made hundreds of new friends at the hostels, hence he is rarely bored or lonely. His only gripe is the occasional loud snorer, but he gets a new room when that happens. He gives Centrelink & MyGov an address of a relative but he never stays with them and they (C/L & M/G) have no idea of that. I’ve seen photos of his backpacking “friends”. Some are gorgeous, especially the ones from Sweden … https://www.yha.com.au/hostels/nsw/sydney-surrounds/sydney-central-backpackers-hostel/
  2. … or…. go back the day before your 65th birthday, do the 2 years and get OAP portability without proving anything. Simply hop on the plane back to LoS the day after turning 67.
  3. Been asked before and no one on here has ever married a bar girl. They were all “cashiers”.
  4. Theft of smartphones have fallen year on year. A key factor for this continual decline could be that smartphone security has improved to a point that it’s no longer worth stealing them; with Face ID, trackers, and fingerprint scanners, it’s now harder for criminals to wipe and fence stolen property. https://www.loveitcoverit.com/news/changing-world/mobile-phone-theft-a-new-crimewave/#:~:text=A key factor for this,wipe and fence stolen property.
  5. You don’t need an Apple phone to have password protection. Most phones are password protected.
  6. Is it really worth stealing phones these days? My phone needs a 6 digit passcode to unlock it (3 attempts allowed); has it’s location shown on another device; I can immediately disable it on another device; needs my Apple ID to work again if they factory reset it (3 attempts allowed). In other words it’s useless to them and they risk getting caught if they turn it on making its location visible. If ever stolen, all data is reinstalled onto my new phone via the daily automated Cloud backup.
  7. Get a visa that doesn't require health insurance ...or marry a Thai government employee.
  8. You’re retired. You live in a country with oppressive heat. You have nothing to do all day and you have all day to do it in. Yet you whinge if needing to spend an extra 20 seconds in an air conditioned shop. Amazing.
  9. Consider it punishment for eating such unhealthy food.
  10. I turned the video off when he admitted that he’s going back home to continue working to help pay off his new farangland home. Yawn.
  11. Absolutely 100% true…. and here’s video proof! Right at the start of video look for the 23 seconds left on the clock that the pedestrian has to safely cross the road with the traffic on a red light. E5426DFB-36FA-4DF1-A1AC-C430B769C4FC.mov
  12. What I want is to see videos of you at your high-jumping classes! 😂😂😂
  13. You said “bye bye” but YOU keep coming back lol. 😂 Thanks for FINALLY answering! Good luck with that high jumping!!! That’s hilarious 😂 Stay safe ..or in your case …stay fit!
  14. Oh dear. A motorcyclist boasting about "40+ years experience" can't answer what to do when at a red light without cover! Too funny. BYE BYE!
  15. Calm down. Simply asked a question about a motorcycle red light situation. Didn’t realise a question would ruffle so many feathers! Have a nice day ✌️ And stay safe!
  16. No one said otherwise! The question was simply: how does ‘40+ years experience & commonsense’ save someone on a motorcycle stopped at a red light when you stopped to the extreme left , have no cover and are hit from behind from a fast-moving heavier vehicle?”.
  17. Still no answer to the question I notice 🤣
  18. Stopping at a red light without cover is hardly a “what if” … it’s common! Appears your “40+ years experience and common sense” won’t save your life in this common occurrence. Stay safe!
  19. Yes but the question was about how your “40+ years riding experience and common sense will help keep you alive” in that particular situation you were given.
  20. Thanks 🙏 So, for example, you are stopped at a red light - just you, no other bikes or cars for “shelter”. You have done the sensible thing and stopped your bike to the extreme left of the road - with no escape route possible on this particular occasion due to cross traffic or whatever. A distracted, speeding ute driver (common on Thai roads) still manages to slam into the back you - but you survive! How do you avoid this from happening again?
  21. Been riding almost daily for 40+ years, and more than half of those here in TH. Defensive driving and a bit of common sense will keep you alive, or at least increase your chances. Agree about using common sense etc, but curious to know how you defend yourself against a heavier, thus deadly for you, vehicle from slamming into the back of you? (Which is common, more so these days, with every 2nd Thai driver playing on their phone…who isn’t already drunk, drugged, speeding etc.)
  22. There are AN members who ride motorcycles on these deadly roads. Amazing.
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