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Everything posted by Nemises

  1. Clickbait thread. Thread title should read "If as bored as AF, click here"
  2. Yes you are wrong because I was not “whingeing” and furthermore they were not my opposition. I never lost anything hence nothing to whinge about. The spirit of cricket was lost and watching it is no longer enjoyable especially as no action was taken against the cheat.
  3. How wrong you are. You have no idea what you are “whingeing” about.
  4. Staying friendly with a nurse helps.
  5. The other day an Afghani cricket player faked an injury to ensure his country would win (in order to proceed to the semi final) if rain prevented the game continuing. His faking act potentially changed the outcome of this World Cup tournament. No action was taken against this cheating PoS. So yes, watching cricket is less pleasurable as a result. https://www.theroar.com.au/2024/06/25/unacceptable-cheating-cricket-world-stunned-as-afghan-fakes-injury-at-t20-world-cup-after-english-coachs-call/
  6. Bottled water & fresh fruit: often 💪 A bottle of beer: sometimes All the other ultra-high-processed crap masquerading as food & mentioned on here: very rarely
  7. Obvious wind-up post. Go away.
  8. And remember to turn off your VPN - should one be already on your phone.
  9. You’re on record as saying the new changes should be taking effect in July 2024 - which is next week. Are you still sticking with this date? If not, what’s your new proposed date? 🤣🤣🤣
  10. As long as your Thai mobile number is valid you will receive the OTP when outside of Thailand free of charge. You use WiFi or phone data to run the Next app. Still works fine for me outside of Thailand after nearly 2 years abroad. A pair of magnified reading glasses should help read the screen of a phone.
  11. Correction: “If the highly-unlikely changes ever do happen…”
  12. He went stiff, exactly as Viagara advertises.
  13. Soi 6/1 Pattaya would be right up your alley.
  14. You don’t need the IEMI number to find a phone. Simply click on “find my phone” from another device.
  15. So why not stay in Australia? Because TGF has had four amazing holidays here with me staying free-of-charge in $10M+ harbour side mansions during those 2 years. Four is enough, she’s now seen everything what she wanted to see in Aus - in grand luxury! We both now want to travel extensively to other overseas destinations therefore no point me staying in Aus anymore. why are you counting down the 2 years to come back to Thailand? Because I miss the temples.
  16. If an iPhone: Open your iCloud account from any laptop or someone else’s phone and click on “find my iPhone”.
  17. It’s actually great knowing that this should be (barring any quick return visit for a birth/marriage/funeral etc) my final ever Sydney winter!
  18. Yes, cold outside today in Sydney but lovely and warm inside with free reverse-cycle central heating on in all living/bed rooms… on all levels!
  19. Earlier in this thread I posted photos of some of the free luxury accommodation and magnificent views I am enjoying during my 2 years back here. I even posted date stamped screenshots showing me turning down an offer to live free at Vaucluse! - arguably Sydney’s most exclusive and expensive suburb. Here’s another of my free residences taken last week. Yes you’re correct, we really are …living the dream. Enjoy.
  20. She got a 3 year tourist visa with me as the sponsor. She had never been to Australia before. No, you are wrong again as the government departments have no idea "what I'm up to". As already mentioned in this thread they (C'Link) were told I'm living with a relative. So once again do try keep up.
  21. How wrong you are, AGAIN! Sorry to disappoint you, but NO it’s not me living in hostels. As already mentioned on numerous occasions in this thread I am doing house sitting in exclusive Sydney beachside/harbourside suburbs for the entire 2 years with my TGF coming to visit me in said luxury accommodation every 6 months…so YES I am living the dream, literally. Do try and keep up.
  22. I came back from living in LoS for 6 years (aged 65) to do my 2 years and will be soon getting the hell out of Dodge and back to Adult Disneyland immediately after turning 67. Have been on benefits the whole time whilst back here and never has anyone from C’link ever questioned me on whether I’m intending to stay here before my benefit automatically switches to the OAP in a few months. I own no property here nor have ever had a lease. Told C’Link I’m living with a relative and I will never tell C’Link (or anyone else) differently. After my birthday I’ll be saying to everyone that I’m going for a “lengthy overseas holiday” - again. Surely C’Link will not question or demand to see anything to prove that I intend staying in this (ridiculously expensive S-hole of a) country before giving me the pension. I will soon know, stay tuned!
  23. It’s coming home 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🦁 🦁 🦁
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