"...coming for sure" ???
That is not a fact, that is your opinion and opinions are similar to a$$holes.... everybody's got one.
If and when they come, let's discuss it then. Until then, please spare us your scaremongering opinions.
Awww. Poor Mr Jealousy, he is happy to initiate unprovoked attacks on others with childish, insulting, inflammatory BS, but gets all upset and all revengeful when the same is done to him. 🤣
But you did say this about a guy who retired young, is very fit and active, rarely drinks alcohol, thus subsequently has no beer gut and has plenty of hair on his head…confirming that you ASSumed incorrectly by posting this inflammatory BS:
“aside from polishing his bald noggin and massaging his beer gut. Suppose she'll get a free wheelchair to poodle him around in later on”
You incorrectly assumed that my mate was old because he's retired. Never once said he was old and never once said they will "live happily ever after". You've made an ASS of yourself for ASS-uming incorrectly and for adding BS.
LOL. Yeah, you keep believing that a farang guy marrying a Gov nurse and receiving her healthcare privileges is all “bull” and just doesn’t happen. Too funny 🤣
How pathetically wrong you are - with everything you posted. You obviously are a very jealous, bitter and lonely old man. Sad really 😢 …. or maybe it was a troll post from a bored, drunk villager. Probably the latter.
Used to think the same until my retired mate recently married a hot little nurse who works at a government hospital.
He still gets the freedom to do as he pleases every day when she’s at work. He will now pay virtually zero for any future medical/hospital expenses. He will never need health insurance.
And don’t forget Sydney! I have friends who live in the west side of Sydney. Good luck walking those streets at night… these days it’s similar to walking the backstreets of Beirut, Palestine, Lagos etc, not a “Smith” or “Jones” left there anymore.
Not the slightest problem with either of your perceived scenarios: 1/ Buy a better phone to avoid “crashes” and 2/ set up automatic back-ups of your phone to the cloud in the event of it dying or loss.
Get with the times. Never carry a wallet again. Everything these days is on your phone including your debit card… obviously!
Hope that helps. You’re welcome!
Budget Night is only four months away and all you have to offer is a measly discussion paper ?!
Don’t hold your breath on there being a change of legislation any time soon.