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Everything posted by Nemises

  1. How much of a closer shave (in micrometers) do these expensive, genuine or otherwise, Gillette blades give compared to a pack of three 3-bladed razors available from 7/11 for 25b? Asking for a friend - who wants the answer in micrometers thanks, not personal opinions.
  2. If you have 11 and a beginner/drunk/drugged/idiotic (or all of the above) player on your immediate right pulls “your” 10 on his 19 resulting in you missing out on your blackjack and if the dealer doesn’t get blackjack but beats your hand, then yes, that other player has caused you to lose that particular hand. Have seen that and similar occurrences often, always resulting in much angst and disharmony at the table, especially when the affected losing player has chipped-up to, or near, the table bet limit. So please, spare me your criticisms of my post about preferring to play blackjack online, at home. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for asking. Yes, I have spent many years punting (on blackjack) in real casinos and putting up with obnoxious drunks, cigarette-filled public gaming areas (mainly in Asia), beginners making ridiculous decisions (e.g. hitting for a card when on 19) causing me to lose, rude players opening a new shoe without first asking others who are in the middle of a winning run ….and worst of all, having to listen to the whinging, BS and nonsense of others (like you) because all other tables are taken and you can’t move. The list goes on and on. Thank goodness for online casinos.
  4. Moved to puss¥ paradise to smash just that - a variety of it. After 12 years still never a dull day and still never a baht spent buying it from bar girls and the like. Sorry to hear of those with no variety, that’s sad…especially when living in p. paradise.
  5. Renting is ridiculously cheap and easy in Thailand compared to our home countries. Why even stay there waiting for random strangers on here to “help” you? Should have moved out as soon as becoming aware of the going’s-on there.
  6. Easy to still play on a AU$5 minimum blackjack table - online! Just need a VPN and an AU bank account.
  7. And these F<deleted>ers are supposed to be protecting us.
  8. Maybe. But which “God” are you referring to? There are over 2,500 of them.
  9. Below HH ?! Been there... and never again. Boring as bat sh!t.
  10. That's top secret Happy to criticize BKK, but not prepared to identify the area you live... for fear of criticism! Got it ????
  11. Thanks for that information. Might have to move to somewhere better. Where in Thailand do you live?
  12. It’s interesting how the BKK haters on here never mention where they live…
  13. Maybe go eat or drink at any of the nearby shops and use their free wifi?
  14. Do you believe in God? No. Why? Because fossilised bones categorically confirm that humans evolved. Therefore to say that some “God” created man is utter nonsense. Next…
  15. Same here, AA are great. A guy with an English name like John Smith always responds to my emails instantly.
  16. Any photo to prove where it’s cheaper? Didn't think so.
  17. Please post a link should you ever come across any other previous incident/s. (Assuming only makes an ….of you …)
  18. Your country’s embassy here in Thailand should be able to assist with a replacement passport.
  19. Only ever been one incident …from some dodgy operator. Safer to use the services of more reliable agents… some of which are sponsors of this website ????
  20. Any link to how often that that (the Phuket incident) has happened previously? Should it happen again maybe just take the 20k and 12 month overseas holiday out of the 2.2 million share portfolio…
  21. Nice chart, thanks. Definitely a much wiser financial move to invest your 800k in blue chip shares - even allowing for the extra 15k that would need to be deducted from the current 2.88M+ balance by the 100 swindled in the provided link.
  22. It’s been noted that you are unable to provide any links to support your so-called “risk % factors” of using an agent. Until then suggest you refrain from asking members to modify their data tables and instead stick to unsubstantiated scaremongering if that helps make you feel better about your ridiculous financial decision. You too, have a nice day!
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