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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. 2 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    I am not a Remainer.


    But seeing that the outcome was 52/48, in my opinion a simple majority wasn't a good idea, but I respect the results.

    However I have problems with the attitude of some of the winners.

    Stating "Vae victis",  is according to me not the right attitude in a 52/48 result.


    I apologise profusely.


    I think you need to understand that a lot of the "attitude" stems from pure frustration, seeing the whole process dragged out by the manipulative EU aided and abetted by Mrs. May and the opposition.


    I was on the fence in the early days of voting, and had I got the chance to vote, would probably have gone for remain, for purely selfish reasons, proved correct with the decimation of the pound, costing us many tens of thousands of pounds extra for our house build in Thailand shortly following the vote.


    However, seeing the way the EU have conducted themselves has tipped the balance for me, and I am firmly in the leave camp now. 


    I'm not saying Boris has handled the situation perfectly by any means, predominantly the signing of the WA was a huge mistake, but at least he is on track to get it done. That will be a great relief to many businesses and individuals, knowing that there is some certainty to look forward to now.

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  2. 15 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    Your United Kingdom does not appear to be very united though does it?

    In fact your only method of currently keeping the UK together is to refuse people a democratic vote on whether they want to stay in the union.

    Now the last union I can remember which adopted the same policy was the USSR. 

    I presume you're referring to Scotland - they already had one! In case you don't remember, they voted to remain in the UK. Or do you want to keep having them until you get the result that satisfies you. 555

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, RayC said:

    No, it hadn't slipped my mind but it appears to slip yours when convenient. Here's my reply in its original context before your selective editing. 



      2 hours ago, Tofer said:


    The EU are not looking for agreement on conditions, they are insisting on control of the mechanisms and EUCJ jurisdiction. Not quite the same thing as you assert....

    And why not? It is the EU single market. An EU company/ state operating in the UK would be judged according to UK law.

    The UK is not a company, and we're not operating in the EU.


    Heaven help us, it's like pulling teeth....

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 hours ago, david555 said:

    Simpel answer is just to leave if not agree on it ....not that difficult i would say , if not like it, now it looks like U.K. is forcing a deal out of E.U. they can not agree on .....consequenses why a "divorce "is done !!

    Understand your side , so also understand also our side


    ....conclusion as it stands now (and 4 years already )....no deal seems the only possible outcome !!!








    As expected, no sensible answer again.

  5. I recently looked around a Mazda CX5, and was quite surprised / impressed, never having consider one in the past.


    What ownership experience have drivers of this car had, particularly with regard to the reliability and dealership servicing.


    Thanks in advance for any feedback you contribute.

  6. 2 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Simpel answer is just to leave if not agree on it ....not that difficult i would say , if not like it, now it looks like U.K. is forcing a deal out of E.U. they can not agree on .....consequenses why a "divorce "is done !!

    Understand your side , so also understand also our side


    ....conclusion as it stands now (and 4 years already )....no deal seems the only possible outcome !!!








    Another obscure response, that doesn't address the question, i.e. that's not an answer, it's just pontificating.


    Let me try and put it more simply.


    1). How do you justify demanding control of rules, laws and territorial waters of an independent country?


    2). Which other country has the EU imposed such conditions on in their trade agreements. 

  7. 13 hours ago, elliss said:


         Just make sure , the lower caste in the UK , on benefits / zero hours .

         Can still purchases  affordable  imported food , from the EU,,  Aldi and Lidl .


    They only exist / survive through the EU's protectionism. Let's see how they compete when we're trading on an open world market for ourselves. Unless, of course, they also avail themselves of the opportunity to buy products cheaper from elsewhere from their UK based businesses, unencumbered by the EU rules and regulations. Double standards perhaps?

  8. 1 minute ago, RayC said:

    Access to the single market without agreeing to conditions regarding state aid and a mechanism to resolve disputes.

    You mean the state aid conditions that the EU saw fit to conveniently ignore with Airbus!


    The EU are not looking for agreement on conditions, they are insisting on control of the mechanisms and EUCJ jurisdiction. Not quite the same thing as you assert....

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  9. 5 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Exactly! It´s hilarious that the buffon they have as a prime minister can´t explain to his people that they can´t decide to leave and then demand to have all the exclusive rights at the same time as a trade deal on their demands.

    Utter nonsense!

    Come on then, put some substance behind your spurious claims. What exactly is it that the UK are "demanding as exclusive rights" and what exactly is it the UK are demanding in terms of a special trade deal??

    • Confused 1
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