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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. On 11/17/2020 at 7:06 PM, 7by7 said:

    But tell us, if Boris is taking back the fishing rights the British government allowed British fishing fleet owners to sell to fleet owners from other EU coastal states and given those rights to fleets from Iceland, Norway, Greenland and the Faroe Islands; how will that help the UK fishing industry?

    The deals we are making now are mutually beneficial, unlike the EU imposed quotas under the CFP which allowed the EU's foreign fishermen to rape our waters to the tune of 85%.


    Or do you know something I don't. Feel free to enlighten me, although I doubt I will get anything to substantiate your scaremongering.

    • Like 2
  2. 21 hours ago, 7by7 said:


    What "ridiculous demands to retain control over UK's governance" would they be, then?


    What principles in the WA has the EU chosen to disregard? It is Johnson who wants to renege on the WA, not the EU!

    You mean you really don't know, where on earth have you been all these years?


    The demand for free access to UK's territorial waters, and the so called "level playing field" tying the UK into EU rules and regulations in perpetuity, all under the control of the EUCJ.


    The WA stated that the negotiations should be conducted in good faith and with respect for the UK's sovereignty, which they clearly are not!!


    We've been over and over these subjects, and you're just balking at the facts.

    • Like 2
  3. On 11/19/2020 at 7:32 AM, Rookiescot said:


    Absolutely priceless.


    It is not the first controversial comment made by Lord Frost before becoming chief negotiator, though.

    In a pamphlet written just before the referendum, he warned that in trade talks with the EU “it will be Britain that has to make the concessions to get the deal”.

    I don't understand what point you are trying to make. It's irrelevant what comments he may have made historically.


    The important fact is here and now, the UK's red lines have been stated, and he will not budge.


    If the EU insist on maintaining control over the UK, there will be no deal, and hopefully nobody will be fouled by the EU's devious attempts to invoke a "provisional deal". Presumably this is an attempt to cement the Withdrawal Agreement and claim the £39B, which hopefully Frost will make contingent on a final deal being established, ratified by the EU states, and signed.



    • Like 1
  4. The EU negotiators had better pull their fingers out, or at the current rate of obstinacy there'll be no allocations left for you to share in our waters, since UK have signed deals on fishing with both Norway and Iceland now.


    Still, I suppose Macron would prefer to continue his tantrums, than accept reality and have meaningful discussions on the subject. I was always taught the "I want doesn't get" principle as a child....

  5. 2 minutes ago, david555 said:

    But it can make the E.U. decide not tosign a new one , who could go same way after again to be broken , anyway legally they shows already  serious intentions to break i t as they voted it in H.O.C. already , and it is only because your lordships  rejected it , that it is now in the " twilight zone " ....


    BTW    No ECJ rejection needed  to refuse  to vote any deal ....


    The EU can do exactly as they wish, so why don't they.... Why are they still around the negotiating table? After all, it's hardly a new issue that popped up overnight, and BJ has made it abundantly clear the bill won't be dropped.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


    We all get a bit overheated sometimes.

    I should take my own advice and step back occasionally. 

    Odd thing is away from Brexit we would probably agree on 90% of other matters.


    I hope our batting opponents understand, there's no animosity on my part, and I'm sure the same goes for others, simply a frustration that people will not gracefully accept the democratic decision of the nation and pull together to get the best for all concerned.


    And, of course, quit with the negative vibes, and have some faith.... ????

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    But you are right, I was wrong, i am sorry, it seems to occur more frequently now that i am 72+.


    I applaud you for your honesty, no problem we all make mistakes. 


    4 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    However in my opinion, you could have less rude by pointing that I made a mistake.



    It was not my intention to give offence, merely trying to inject some humour, regrettably at your expense, to lighten the mood of, what is becoming, a dreary and monotonous exchange of views.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, david555 said:

    I am very curious why... if U.K. can prosper out of E.U.  ( could be.... i agree ! ...) then why  oh why you still keep sitting on that negotiation table ????as prosperity is winking outside to you ..... that is for me a mystery....( if that prosperity expectation  is true of course )


    Something is not logic in your claim  ????

    It's called a trade deal negotiation, in our mind. Unlike the EU, who think it's an opportunity to brow beat, manipulate, threaten and blackmail the UK into agreeing to stay shackled to the EU.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, david555 said:

    Equal to yours for ever complaining !....meaning in fact from you a cry why E.U. does not give your wishes ....as also same old old ????


    No complaining on that score. I'm more than confident we'll prosper outside of the EU.


    I am however, complaining about the EU constantly trying to protract the transition and drag us back into your little club, along with their double dealing behind our governments back. 

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