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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. 28 minutes ago, Hi from France said:


    well I was bad news, for you. 


    Brexit is far from over, it does not matter whether we have the thin deal on offer or "no deal".  The situation is unsustainable and the blame game, as well as negotiations need to go on for like 10 years.



    Right now, in Europe Brexit is considered quite done and over (you need to take part in british forums to discuss the topic!).


    But in the UK it's a hot topic, for many reasons (future of the UK industry, future of the Union...) and there is no way these problems are solved anytime soon.

    We'll be an overnight success, and the EU will be a forgotten bad memory, until it fades into oblivion. 


    I don't know why people talk about the blame game, it's totally irrelevant, either make a deal or don't, simple.

  2. On 10/19/2020 at 6:04 PM, Mavideol said:

    this is my second  CX5, great car, comfortable ride, safe, smooth ride from Trang to BKK and back, no interior noise, love it and would suggest it

    Thanks for the recommendation. Good to hear the comfort factor is adequate for long journeys. Did you do that trip in one day. I can only stand 5-6 hours in the driving seat these days in one go, but that may down to the ageing seats in our 6 year old car. Hence the Volvo idea, seats like a leather armchair.


    I've been looking at the Volvo range, but not so serviceable in Thailand, our nearest agent is 4 hours away. The Mazda, on first inspection, appears to have all the specifications and luxury we want, quite a bit cheaper than Volvo and a much better network of distributors. Also, as my years advance, I would like not to have to climb into the car, as with our Pajero. 

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  3. On 10/19/2020 at 6:18 PM, Jack Hna said:

    I'm looking at this motor versus xpander but I like the new corolla cross too. Would certainly be interested to read more views and the CX5 seems to hold it's value well.


    Been looking at a new motor the last 8 months.

    I have a Pajero Sport at the moment, and have been looking out for a better design of a newer model, because Mitsu have provided us with excellent service to date. I was a bit disappointed in the build quality of the Expander, I think it's been spec'd to a price point, so wouldn't recommend that in your choice, unless price is a major consideration.

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