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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. On 11/3/2020 at 10:41 PM, 7by7 said:

     It's actually 3.6 million; but even if it were 4 million that's just 0.9% of the population of the EU.


    Whereas 1.3 million Brits, 1.9% of the UK population, live in the EU.


    Proportionately, more Brits choose to live in the EU than EU nationals choose to live in the UK.

    The 1.3M Brits are predominantly retirees, still living off the "milk and honey" of their UK pensions. Unlike the 3.6M EU citizens who go to the UK to reap said "milk and Honey"

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  2. On 11/3/2020 at 10:30 PM, 7by7 said:

     Leavers did not want the single market?




    If leavers didn't want to maintain access to the single market why did Vote.Leave, including Gove and Johnson, go to such pains to persuade voters that leaving the EU would not mean losing access to the single market?


    Why did they call Cameron's warning "Project Fear?"


    'Tied to' and 'access to' are two completely different scenarios.

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  3. 5 hours ago, sandyf said:

    And it will remain frozen unless other MP's like Ian Blackford stand against the injustice.

    Of course to some, loss of income will take second place to bigotry.

    I applaud his speech. Pity it took Brexit to recognise the injustices, otherwise he would likely have never come out of the closet. He had to use examples of the likes of us in Thailand, so that he could raise / emphasise the subject, to ultimately substantiate his concerns about Brexit, and the Brits living in the EU. Never heard a peep out him prior to Brexit.


    However, you have used this link completely out of context with my comment being about his backdoor negotiations colluding with the EU, to frustrate Brexit.

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  4. 6 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Obviously you are not on a frozen pension.


    Ian Blackford criticised the lack of consistency of treatment of overseas British pensioners. Pointing out anomalies arising from historic bilateral deals and pointing out that there was no need for new bilateral agreements for the government to take action. He also raised the possible danger for the 400,000 UK pensioners living in the EU, who may find themselves with a frozen pension if Britain votes to leave the European Union in June.


    I'm not drawing a pension, yet! But when I do, living in Thailand, it will be frozen, irrespective of what happens with Brexit.

  5. 1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

    And once again. You refer to Scotlands First Minister in a derogatory term. Also you insinuate Ian Blackford is somehow a traitor.

    You on a roll tonight boy.

    He's been behind the back of the UK government, discussing ways to avert Brexit with, I think it was, Michael Charles. If he was in the US, he would be hung drawn and quartered, on the strength of the Logan Act, for interfering in government business, when he has no such mandate to do so.

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