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ed strong

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Everything posted by ed strong

  1. The fact that he had just returned from the UK makes this even more suspicious. Something was planned for when he came back. Life is cheap in Thailand (and many other countries) RIP to the guy.
  2. Sounds like the last thing you should do for numerous reasons!
  3. Not worth bothering with just forget about it. A few girls i know when they get a car or bike they immediately put in in their mothers name, just in case the bf decides to make a claim on it, Saying that she couldnt have afforded it etc..... less chance of the falang pursuing it when its not in their gf name, Either way you are not going to get any money or the car back, zero chance.
  4. Few years ago my father lent 2m baht to a Thai lady who's was going through a divorce from a Swedish man and she needed the money to buy him our of their house in Hua Hin. He did have some paper saying that she would pay him back and that in the event of the house being sold and was reportedly signed by a law / accounting firm, however upon looking into it no one at the firm had any idea of it. Unfortunately he had a heart attack a year later whilst coincidentally with the lady in question, i since have followed it up but got no where and in the end gave up as there was nothing i could do, he ended up in ICU in Hua Hin which cost another 3.5m Baht. He was also building a house near Banyan golf course and unfortunately that was in her name also. Great memories of that little lot. Lawyers / property agents all in on it ????
  5. Officially what booster should you be on now, if you have followed the directives? 4 5 or 6 maybe?
  6. Pattaya is pretty gross overall, horrible beaches with the dregs of most countries residing there. However if decadent bebauchery is your thing then you'll have a whale of a time. There's a good reason its cheaper is because its a <deleted> hole.
  7. 'Dishonest Debating' Now you are just making up terms that no one has ever used before. Please contradict anything i have written, its all backed up with links ( As i know you don't read books only stuff on the internet, your words)
  8. "I'm not going to debate with you further" Classic response ???? Seriously thank god for that, I'm out too. Merry Xmas.
  9. You can buy his book here if you're interesting in further info.. https://www.amazon.co.uk/NATOs-Democratic-Retrenchment-Hegemony-Security/dp/1138585289
  10. These are quotes from the Henrik Larsen who served as political advisor for the EU in Ukraine from 2014 - 2019 Link here....https://warontherocks.com/2021/06/why-nato-should-not-offer-ukraine-and-georgia-membership-action-plans/
  11. I said Ukraine needed to make some reforms before it was allowed to be considered to join Nato and you then opposed it but also posted a link that said ''that it needed to make reforms before having Nato membership, (Atlantic something or other .com) Prospective embers need to show a ''fully developed military, government and democracy''. Break those 3 things down and you will get to exactly what i posted earlier.
  12. ''have a fully developed military, government and democracy.'' Exactly. You are opposing all my posts yet in the same breath backing it all up with your own links and posts!?
  13. Never seen RT news whatever that is. Sweden and Finland have been offered NATO membership and certainly have no MAP of 5 to 10 year time frame. https://www.swedenabroad.se/en/embassies/usa-washington/current/news/sweden-applies-for-nato-membership/ Its only for Georgia and Ukraine and the country needs reforms before membership is granted.
  14. Seriously, did you even read your own link that you posted? The same comments i made are in your atlantic council link. I will quote from your own link. ''It is worth emphasizing that Ukraine has also recently speeded up its own domestic Euro-Atlantic reforms. In particular, last month the Ukrainian parliament passed a first reading of the long-awaited reform of the Ukrainian Security Service in accordance with NATO recommendations. Growing trust between the special services of Ukraine and NATO member states, along with increasing interoperability between armed forces, is vital'' What exactly do you think these reforms relate to?
  15. They weren't aloud to join as they have missed so many European Union, International Monetary Fund, and U.S. reform encouragements since 2014. This is further undercut by the reality that Ukraine is not in control of all of its territory. Russia has annexed Crimea and supports separatist republics in the Donbas.
  16. I wouldnt trust any of them they are all crooks.
  17. A Man with my level of education! ????
  18. Nearly two-thirds of US LNG went to Europe, up from roughly a third of the total in all of 2021. America has shot past Australia and Qatar to become the world's largest LNG exporter. A deal agreed to in March by America and the EU calls for an extra 50bcm per year of American LNG to flow to Europe this decade.
  19. You cant compare western junkie hookers to Thai bar girls! Ive enjoyed many thai bar girls but never have I, or would i think about going with a UK junkie hooker.
  20. I'm not belittling your family, i just don't like the open discussions with regards to what you can actually provide to their families bur also appreciate that many if these relationships do work and everyone's happy. I might well end up in a similar situation when I'm 60 however I would go into any relationship with my eyes wide open, unlike the majority of farangs that I've met over the years and some good guys have been screwed over
  21. I find it bizarre that you have to have these type of discussions with your future wife and her parents. Negotiations in the prelude to marriage seem crass to me and not something i would get involved in but each to their own.
  22. money money money. You claiming to have avoided sinsod by your wife suggesting they dont have a party and keep the money and also you paid off their parents debts and being asked to pay off loan sharks of family members debts! Sinsod or not they got the money.
  23. Of course not but in relation to the comments and thoughts on this thread, which concerns expats in Thailand, I would say 99% of farangs are with poor Northern women, hence why you would be expected to look after the family either through sin sod or just giving them money, house etc. Why on earth anyone would want to get married is another thing but alot of old folks are still steeped into marriages and traditions. Its how you they / we were brought up.
  24. If you're taking the bread winner away from the family, especially if she has children and the grand parents look after it, then of course they need some money from you. Opposing any type of sin sod, is kinda like going to Qatar and wearing a lgbqt shirt just because you wear one in your own country. Its disrepectfull and you are going against local traditions. I found out the hard way about disrepsecting Thais if they have any sort of nouse about them they will bleed you dry.
  25. Foreignors need to give blood? Could they bee more specific for eg there no point in all the African or Chinese tourists rushing to donate as its more than likely their blood wont fit the qualifying standard / type. Apparently the Basque region of Spain is where most of this blood is found.
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