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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Nough self awareness knowing Something is off still here replying to you 😁✈️ Sayonara Yago, you will miss me
  2. You have high thought's of your own contributions at this intellectual Asian expat misfit contest forum. Good luck, be happy
  3. 500 baht or so, the visa guy came and collected the passports in the morning at the beach bar, and came back in the evening with new visa stamp. That was the good old days
  4. The Irony, this tread discuss price's on women, what they are worth, or not Shame on you guys
  5. Why you guys stirring up things world wide, talking about being ignorant. You guys got a finger all over the world, and claim we should not worry about your ignorance
  6. It's real and true, you guys do not deserve me anymore 😁
  7. Thanks, will go with the wind, when it pass, it will be quiet
  8. I say good luck, Enjoy your new order, hope it will make you all feel smarter, more intelligent and successful. I'm off fishing and living off my new farm in Norway, and iff ruskies invade, I got my back covered in Thailand. Enjoy your lousy poor shallow minded discussions here at AN, which means <deleted> all in the big deleted pool. Wish you all a perfect aging in paradise doing what you do best, and hope your pensions will bring you happy hours and memories. I'm signing out All the best Your Hummin The End
  9. Magas takes it all, you guys are really deleted stupid behind any reasonable limits
  10. You guys are stuck on every criticism is lefties, your weaknes There is certain rules who is the investigators, prosecutors and judges, if you do not have the availability to understand that, and the rest of the magas, God help us all. One day the new order comes for you, good luck
  11. And you are to stupid to understand why this is wrong?
  12. In process to make my 3000 calories today, so I need two hours activity tomorow. Pure science
  13. I did a quick calculation. So far I digested 2300 calories today with very little carb, so I think I need
  14. Bring Saudi on board for the peace talks, that's sending a message to the world. Congratulations, doesn't get better than that <deleted> Europe, let's go with the Saudis, who heroically brought our twin towers down in few hours, and we blamed the Iraqis and Taliban and Iranians
  15. I eat what I want, and keep my 2 800 calories a day plan year around. Some days less, some days more. I do not drink sugar drinks I do not eat fast food Very little sweets and cakes Lift as much I did as 28 years old, just a few more kg now then back then. Enjoying life while you can, do gives a few extra bonus points. No need to be angry every day or argue all the time. Sit back and relax, enjoy Now, if some want to call clean food vegatables, fruits, diary products, meat Mediterranean diet, fine, while others eat root vegetables, lean meat and fish Icelandic diet, fine, No big deal It is about the variety, quality and experience as well how many calories versus ativity and your age
  16. Do you think I work for you? You who served me a link without reading it, or understand what the article was about.
  17. Exactly, keep up the good work. Simple understanding, Dicipline and consistency adjust if needed. Some few brain exercises to maintain a healthy and happy mind. Anther good reason to quit toxic internet endless discussions going in circles
  18. Everything for you scotty! Enjoy
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