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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Still better option than what we got today, never ever thought I was going to say this, but now I do
  2. I have seen estimates of 3000 bars left after covid, normal beer bars to more red light bars. How many agogo? How many prostitutes would that give you, 15 000?
  3. Have met several like him in extreme sports enviroment, and they useally became self destructive when they passed their prime (if they survived so far), and started to abuse more drugs and acting more aggressively to desperately stay on top of the game. Some mature and grow in the sport, others dont, they either dies trying, or become self destructive
  4. So a Kingdom is not a dictatorship? Saudi Arabia is a Monarchy In some circumstances, monarchies are also considered dictatorships if the monarchs hold a significant amount of political power. Hybrid dictatorships are regimes that have a combination of these classifications
  5. So what you saying, Biden gives you sleepless nights?
  6. I left land of free in 95, and now I got one foot out of thailand after living here 8 years almost and visiting 20+ years. Both country lived as a guest
  7. Thailand is a magnet to people with Mental health problems?
  8. Im sure life was much better for both parts during Ottaman empire
  9. At 55 I do not worry to much, but I avoid farmed fish, and vegetables and fruit we grow our selves, and only buy when we are out of season. Chicken I hardly eat anymore, and stick to beef when In Thailand. Try to eat as clean as possible
  10. Who are us? Seems like you take it personal? I complain about being taxed for my transfers in to thailand, and get nothing back, and the never ending pollution, and lately the heat, and therefor I will stay in Thailand less than 6 months a year! Not everyone who came here 20 years ago or at anytime, have the same options as me, so I feels sorry for them, and can understand their frustrations.
  11. Not to forget the corruption all the way up to the very top level, where army generals pulls the strings. We know there is a fine line right there,
  12. You can believe and say what you want, but to me, the election seemed fixed and constructed who was allowed to be candidates, and how they orchestrated the government!
  13. Been kind of semi famous, a few docs and a movie, as well known in sports. Now older and forgotten, just a few lines in lexica left. Still got some google searches, but they also fades away. Im happy, good memories but all in the past, now it is all about now and future. It feels good to do not chase any bucket list anymore, and just enjoy the moment as it comes
  14. Very few realize thailand is a demecratic dictatorship, and this is what comes with a dictatorship, no free speach, but they are kind enough to give you a gentle warning with a smile, and tell you the consequences you are facing if you continue. Soft ditatorship
  15. Look at Dubai, Saudia Arabia becomes the new world sports destination, things like this have never made any changes to the majority opinion or desire to travel or live in a country, as long it have some kind of benefits that attracts people to go there. Most who complain about news like this, just complain, and do nothing about it. I have not seen any of his content, so please enlighten me what I have missed? Any valid criticism he have broadcasted, or just the useal bashing?
  16. A bodybuilding YouTube star famous for taking his shirt off says hallucinogenic drugs changed his life. Now an ex-girlfriend is accusing him of rape https://www.businessinsider.com/connor-murphy-youtube-allegation-bodybuilding-allegations-ex-girlfriend-drugs-2021-6
  17. He claim he is natty (natural), but experimenting with psychedelica, thats how far I got. Psychedelica and maybe he got psychosis from bipolarity or simular, not a good mix if you ask me Bring a 20 year thai gf on top of that, and you might have a dissaster
  18. For justice, he played out a scripted insanity role play in the video, and it is more to it, than just is psychosis rant. Still not A4 thow
  19. If I was afraid of that, I would never married my wife, or if any in here close family for that sake.
  20. Mirror effect at its best! Cant expect anything from those pro Israel to see the reality of reasons and results of 70 years suppression of millions of people, and continuesly stealing land. Sad statue
  21. Im married to a Isaan lady, and living the dream in Paradise. No kids It was intentional using L 🙂
  22. Mental health, economic situation, addicted to substances, relationship failures, and just pure egoistic stupidity with no sense of social codes
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