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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Do you have any other words and sentences in your vocabulary? You are suck in a negative circle.
  2. Still, there is those with power for the moment, who will decide for now what's going to happen next. Being a dictator, doesn't mean they have to go to war, they can also agree on peace! Just imagine, Ukraine gave up their territories, instead of going to war? Just hypothetical, how would the world look today? I do not say one or the other was wrong, just hypothetical
  3. The leaders of the free world have to be Trump Xi Putin It is all up to them to figure out the road to peace for now! I will not include Europe for the moment, or anyone else. It is a Muppet show, and we are the audience Or passengers
  4. Seriously, everyone here, 99% have asian wife, gf, lover, hooker, what does it prove? Nothing
  5. You are funny, and you know it As an American, think twice, why else is Español the second language spoken in Usa?
  6. Your own Trump praising Scandinavia 😁
  7. You do not understand, many of the refugees coming to our borders, is a direct results of the complicated world politics driven by our alliance against our enemies. 2. We need immigrants who is willing to do the dirty jobs we do kot want to do! Clean toilets, make cheap exotic food, etc etc, You are just full of hate and propaganda, Still I hope we can limit immigrants who is coming, and rather give them permit to stay as long they learning language, and willing to work. Be more restricted. It ain't all black and white
  8. Come on, that was just the start I'm not going to waste my time more than necessary, especially if you do not see, he is trying to do exactly the same putin did, but in speed. Remember this in 4 years, when you have no other option to vote for. He is eliminating all opponents and silencing every critics, and he will execute judges next, he got, the major social media on board, Apple will follow, Android and google, as well full AI control? This is your grandchildrens future
  9. Sadly JK Rowling got unfair treatment for voicing her opinions. Just lunatics the last decadea managed to change the whole political arena. There is a difference between treating individuals equally no matter gender or beliefs, to the political witch hunt in Europe, and other places. Completely madness, same as transgenders in sports and locker rooms
  10. Well, there is a few reasons for having a safety account here, Inflation, and weaker nok vs Thai baht. My embassy stop making letter of income. We are at war, banks, pension stops transfers. Tax on transfers from savings if I choose to stay full-time again. Just in case
  11. Republicans can't find anyone better than Trump, it is hard to believe, so in the end, must be the nature of the voters who manage to cultivate Trump to victory. Do not blaim the Democrats, start looking at yourself
  12. I use bank to bank, so will not use wise. I checked for a limited time for the amount of money I useally transfer, it suited me best up against wise.
  13. Well, it is all about promising, and not do what he say, Well, if you tonexcuse his ecrions, go ahead,.be line everyone else,
  14. I just find many of the Magas, not all, because I understand the business behind being a Maga, but the loud useful idiots, who makes the noise and the waves, or better called, those who do the dirty job to silence the crows, just low life, who calls out everyone who voice against them. It used to be brown shirts,
  15. And in Norway I got 4,7 right now on my money
  16. Trump promised to release his tax release in 2016? That's a good start 2. Spend less time playing golf than Obama?
  17. Only takes an IQ above average to understand, this is wrong, very wrong
  18. Only you right wings labels me as left. Left handed yes, but I haven't said anything about my political situation. Still I know Trump is a lying bitch
  19. What tdo you believe based on what evidences?
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