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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. How long should a car aircon last in Thailand? Do they change the compressor if the aircon unit go down? 5 years old 90 000km changed aircon unit, and did not check if they changed the compressor unit. Soon 6 years 102 000km changed the compressor. All mandatory services done at Mitsubushi.
  2. Sitcom is not for everyone, Kramer was the funniest sidekick back in those days.
  3. 5 cheese pizza fra Tony? ?
  4. Could be Green cat snake. Possible to get clear pictures of head and tale Where in Thailand?
  5. With help from sosial media, Vance, Hegseth and Trump? Anti America will grow proportional with each try to influence Europeen Countries
  6. "He who saves his Country does not violate any Law," Donald T4ump february 2024 quoted Boneparte Napoleon famous qoute Well, we all know how it did go with Napoleon
  7. Around 1600 in restaurant
  8. No traffic 28 Celsius air and water 30min rain in the afternoon
  9. Well, says who? Look at the mess you guys left us after war on terror. How was the exit from Afghanistan? How is Iraq, and how much did it cost you? And so many more interventions to mention, but the exit from Vietnam must be the one hurt most. Usa is a true failure as an short lived empire. Banks and stock holders still laughing of average joe
  10. We do nothing? We'll take that to some maga meeting where you have someone listening to you, and who believes your lies.
  11. To find a way out of dependency of USA. We do not get what at we pay for, so therefore, we find other solutions and allies. When we reach 5% of GDP, why should we depend on Us anymore. France Sweden Germany UK Norway and more countries produce enough high tech weapons to take care of our self. What we should need additional, we can buy from Russia and China? Can’t trust USA, so f them
  12. So you say I Get a free pass?
  13. Where is Gillette originally from? Fond du Lac, WisconsinJanuary 5, 1855, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, U.S.
  14. We have choices, what do you have? Trump? 😂 As said, big guns (read big mouth) gives false security. Who is going to clean up this mess? Like George Bush wasnt a big failure enough for you guys, you had to make a step further
  15. Ehm, still shave with Gillette
  16. Proud of Boycott America since 1995
  17. we will see who comes out of this mess on their own feet. Right now more than 50% (more likely 65%) of your own people thinks you all Are f idiots. good luck, Europe hates you, and all of your neighbors to. But Putin and Netanyahu loves you, and the rest laughing of you, including Saudi
  18. Well’ who is the emperor? Who is their target? Who is cleaning up, and receives the refugees ? You guys have no F idea how much <deleted> we dealing with, because of the british empire and yours. f ignorance at its best
  19. My team? Fs get real, I'm not even guilty of being an American. Lucky me, my ancestors decided to stay in poverty and work it out. Proud of them, especially today
  20. Getting more and more childish, dangerous childish White House says it has the right to punish AP reporters over Gulf naming dispute https://apnews.com/article/ap-white-house-gulf-name-dispute-3f43c519a4b4f4661dd0831421943ef7
  21. I can accept that, but that is past when I was young and hot
  22. When you find a decent priced bottle of wine, good service and great food. And of course sharing with my love of my life. Dreams of the future is part of the happiness
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