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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. This is what first made me love Thailand, a nice cheap bungalow at the beach. Fresh coffe and this view, the sound of waves is indeed a good start.
  2. Come on, please, he is the head of the most powerful empire in modern history, can't excuse him as a common stupid being
  3. That's what she claim now. She is done with politics. We will see
  4. Thats a good question, but I wouldnt underestimate Ivanka, not for one second. A bit more sceptical to his son Donald Trump Jr, he is a loose canon, no doubt.
  5. We will see, Im sure he will try to push every possible button to make sure his visions last a bit longer than his 4x365 days. My best guess we will see Ivanka as next president female candidate. He will pave the road for her to make sure his legacy survives at least 4 more years. With Zuckenberg, Musk and Bezos he is already there with heavy influencers with an exemptional power to influence the average Joe once more
  6. The list starts to get long Musk Zuckenberg Dana Bezos and the rest of the billionears who found it timely to bend their head to the new Don And not to forget the "Zuck it up adminiration list" or was it Administration ? https://www.yahoo.com/news/suckup-olympics-flattery-got-trump-205212817.html
  7. Try 100 million dead if the left tries, but the coup have already happened. It's done
  8. I lost your stupid game here! How the inuits feels after centuries of colonization, and now realize they can be an important player in the marked with their natural resources and do not need to bend over for anyone anymore. Not Denmark or Usa dictate them about what to do. Trump have created so much uncertainty everywhere with his ideological speeches all over the place, and it is hard to believe he actually saying the words coming out of his mouth. He is totally insane.
  9. The syndrom of to much freedom? Or imagined freedom?
  10. Explain
  11. 5% GDP is his mark now for Nato. Been looking at the different news channels the last days, and what a bunch of ignorant comedians (journalists) together with their experts, FS it is sad to see this happening, and do Americans really think they will be respected with this clown in the seat? No wonder the whole world goes to hell. Putin, Iran and China must be celebrating when seeing this unfolds.
  12. It is a matter of 100ˋś of years of unfair treatment and control and a question about identity. The Greenledners want total independence from the Danish Government. Lets see, who else want independence in Europe? I just didnt understand this was your important question. Of course they are not happy being controlled by the Danish. Almost 80% voted for total independence if I remember right
  13. Same as every state in Usa is self governing, non of the states is a sovereign country, same as Greenland.
  14. Self control with modifications, and when Trump Jr now arrives Greenland without notification to Denmark, creates an foreign international crisis between Denmark and Usa. Even they claims it is a private matter, and Trump have not taken the seat yet. Why? Timing ? What is Trump's beef with Denmark? Same the open speculations about Canada? https://www.newsweek.com/denmark-king-greenland-donald-trump-2010801
  15. Ease of a bit, after all, Trump seems to have serious concerns about the future of Greenland. What the greenlenders idea of their future might be something different regarding how they have been controlled and colonized. Nothing else. They are not happy with Danish control and I'm sure they are not happy with Trump either.
  16. Being involuntary colonized and treated unfairly for centuries could give them another view of the wold than you and me. After all their dna is asian, who knows what that means for their identity. I'm quite sure they do not want to be dictated by Trump what to do. Some history about Nordic colonialism https://nordics.info/show/artikel/the-colonialism-of-denmark-norway-and-its-legacies
  17. They also drive the dogs to the other side of mountain, but the villagers there do the same, so on both sides of the mountain there is dogs stuck in no man's land, for once and awhile come down to the village and find food. That's when poison baits is placed out when chickens starts to disappear.
  18. Smoking tobacco as well weed have escalated since weed became legal from medical purposes. It have never become legal to smoke in public, and based on the feedback and reactions here, it seems many on the forum being triggered by just basic common sense. I do not mind if it becomes illegal again, and police also follow up smoking at public places as they promised 8 years back. It is up to the users of weed to preserve the rights they have for now, not me, but indeed they fail so. To all of you towers, it is not me you hurting, it is your freedom to buy legal pot everywhere in Thailand without risk to be prosecuted.
  19. Dogs game is to chase pray, and if you stop, rise your hand, they stop. You move, they chase, that's their game
  20. Unfortunate they are working dogs, specially for colder countries, and also need space as well regulary hard work to thrive, and breeding these dogs in warmer climates is just pure egoism, as well buying them. Siberian Huskies need lots of exercise, usually a minimum of two hours a day. Brisk walks, runs, hikes, and games of fetch are all great ways to exercise your Husky. They also excel in agility sports. In addition to physical exercise, Huskies also need mental stimulation like puzzle toys to help beat boredom. https://www.24petwatch.com/blog/siberian-husky-guide
  21. Together with a mix of service workers and expats of different nationalities and backgrounds. I stayed in one of those condos at Koh Samui, and it didn't take many days before we moved. To many people coming and going at all different hours and makes noise.
  22. Is it so simple? First of all, congratulations, Siberia Huskies in Thailand, great choice. And you either being ignorant, or just forget most of the dogs in Thailand is Thai soi dogs breeds with their qualities for good and bad, used to stray the streets and protect their territory, and most who have dogs, got their dogs on their doorsteps and decided to stay there for food or comfort as safety. We got two dogs on our doorstep, they do what they want, and I got one puppies, raised by myself, and not even close to any of those stray dogs we got. He also sleeps inside during the nights. Thais do not keep their dogs inside, unless it is a special breed.
  23. If you want to kill your dog, give it a trait, knock his head with an hammer, and cut his troat open and let it bleed out. That's the most human way to do it. Brutal, yes, but much better than poisoning.
  24. Better to give up, it is a dead end. Its like discussing with flat earthers and anti vaxxers.
  25. After all, Greenlenders came from Asia. Are Greenlandic people Asian? They are Inuit, or “Eskimos” to use an old term, and like their relatives in Canada, originally came to North America from Siberia over the Bering Straight (although much later historically than the ancestors of the First Nations, or “Indians”.) So they look like Asians because their ancestors were from Asia Source Quora
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