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Everything posted by Hummin

  1. Quick hypothetical question I want to transfer 1,2 million in to my bank account tomorow from my savings, and I am going to stay 7 months this year. I am obligated to pay tax this year?
  2. What is wrong with you? You just being an A don't you! Obviously you are the one who editing my op.
  3. Well as you see, my line is a header for the article, where the article states, and not only this one but many historians links previously religions to be the major influence on the Abrahamic religions It likely influenced the other major Western religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. For a discussion of the context in which Zoroastrianism arose, see ancient Iranian religion
  4. I think you need to read the article, and complain to Britanica. Every religion have evolved, influenced and mixed world wide, and also stolen paganism traditions and holidays to fit each and one culture. Do you think religion just appears out of the sky, and do not influence each other. Do you think Judaism is unique?
  5. Some places you need to go to the local clinic, and they either do the bloodtests or send you to the hospital with request
  6. Yes you can! Some government hospitals also give you an option to pay for vip treatment.
  7. How the world changing now, maybe Asia is not that bad if you have enough resources? Land Gold Cash BTC Bank deposits and not depended on overseas monthly transfers. Russia could start a major war in Europe within 5 years, Danish intelligence warns An updated threat assessment warns of the consequences of a divided NATO and an absent U.S https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-war-threat-europe-within-5-years-danish-intelligence-ddis-warns/
  8. I am right about Trump being the dangerous mob despot dictator if the congress nd court let him have it his way. Just what he had said so far in 3 weeks, proves me right, and either you aknownledge it, or do as everyone of you guys do, overlook the facts. He says clear and loud
  9. You missed that? And everything I said was wrong? Good observation from a guy who have been here less than two weeks 😁
  10. I knew after Trump's assassination attempt, and the fist in the air, he would win, and I said so here at this forum.
  11. I got choices, and drip coffee is convenient and healthy
  12. Why do some of the most Maga boys change knick names all the time. Your 4-5 since I started to know you? Maybe more
  13. Another Maga troll reappearing with new knickname. Not even Two weeks on forum HOT sunny boy
  14. If you want to drink cheep deleted beer, you buy it from the cheapest place, easy as that. Enjoyed many nice moms and pops on the road, and much more preferable than any of the coffe chains. Biggest hoax in coffe industry is Starbucks
  15. Mix American wrestling and Sopranos, and you got the essens of the American mentality + God Bless the good American people for their rights to do what they want, the way they want.
  16. I used to drink latte. Cappuccino and latte, until I learned how real good pure coffe should taste, and how to make coffe with different brewer techniques. Now back on my Braun coffeemaker, and enjoy the difference from my aeropress we used while travelling. Nothing is better than the smell of fresh grinded coffe in the morning. Never had the taste for rum or coca cola, or coca cola at all, and completely stopped drinking sugar drinks.
  17. I avoid Amazon, first they do not maintain their coffe machines, and most of their shops have awful coffe do to poor training and cleaning.
  18. Funny you should mention it, since it was clearly you who failed to spot sarcasm. Humble 😁, oh, you are indeed a funny ass ain't you
  19. I know, we ave history together for many knicknames you previously got, and not willing to take the bait anymore. Enjoy your time, as long you can
  20. You need to read history, how the Persian, Greek, Roman's, and Ottaman cultivated those areas before the English destruction
  21. Hallelujah, They lived of what the earth provided, like every humans should had done. They had no less violent cultures than civilized Europe provided. They just provided more destruction and immorality than ever before Do you belive the pioneers where good Christians? Do you believe America should is a Christian nation today, or just a hoax?
  22. Just a humble product of my environment, nothing else. When first had the best, it is hard to go back 😉
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