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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. It often takes a high visibility person getting hurt for any action to be taken. I think it was about 12 or 13 years ago that someone "important" got killed turning across the traffic and into the main entrance at Mahidol. Within a few days, Mahidol fixed it. Just closed off the road permanently from any right hand turns across traffic.
  2. Does Thailand have a tiered level surcharge on electrical rates?
  3. The crosswalk I use to walk to the other side of Phutthamonthon Sai 3 to get to a market and Lotus has zero effect on cars, trucks or motorcycles. In fact, it seems that some drivers speed up if they see you in the road. It's 50 meters from a police station.
  4. I saw the unblurred video. She was just a step or two from reaching the sidewalk and must have relaxed for a moment. Same as I do. She had already run the gauntlet. Sometimes, the motorcycles are so reckless there is nothing you can do to avoid them. Just last week, I got to the bottom of a sappan loy and was in the process of turning to go down the sidewalk and a motorcycle roared past on the sidewalk from the blindside of the sappan loy. Another half second and I would have had the same thing happen to me as happened to this young woman.
  5. I don't begrudge you your access through the mail. I would just like the option to go in person.
  6. Would be nice if they would allow us to come into the embassy to renew the passport and pick it up when it's ready, instead of forcing everything through the mail.
  7. What happens is people who have been here for some time tend to think they've figured it all out and take things for granted. Get a little too comfortable. Maybe it isn't the case, here, but it seems so in many of these farang-Thai confrontations (I put up a reminder about a similar story of a young British man who was chased by a Thai guy with a knife because the Thai guy wanted the British guy to buy him a beer; but it was taken down for some reason. But it's the same problem. Cultural assumptions and ways of dealing with foreigners that I would never think about fully understanding). The only place to be complacent is inside your own house by yourself. Some rules I follow: avoid crowds, stay off the street late at night, don't go to places that might mix alcohol with any sort of social confrontation.
  8. Some really nasty people in the comments section to that article gloating over other people getting kicked out with a few days notice. Makes Aseannow look all civil and sophisticated.
  9. Get rid of the quarantines and the insurance and you might be on to something, Marisa.
  10. Where did all the chicken go??? https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30396092
  11. Nothing says "respect my privacy" and "it's a personal matter" like putting out a video announcing your separation.
  12. I always expected they would use access to the building as the way to require vaccination. Many of us said as much six or seven months ago. But the testing kit is the new shakedown. How many ambulances do they plan on having on hand to cart off testing people positive? Do you get to go home and get any medicines you take? Or do you just disappear?
  13. Well, that red box of text doesn't do anything but confuse the matter. Those at risk? Who's that? Where you travel from? Just off the spur of the moment? What test taken where is acceptable? You go to do a retirement extension and end up being carted off to a hospital and charged 100,000 baht instead?
  14. Someone above said he renounced his US citizenship. Just for the sake of ease of travel, that seems a dumb thing to do. And it doesn't allow you to escape being a "US taxpaying person" even if you do renounce.
  15. So when it's time for the first testing, there are two people standing in front of you. One with a swab for testing and another selling hospitel insurance???
  16. Just wait until the cancel culture people see the photo at the top of that Gap Year Index page.
  17. Here is a direct quote. Not a "misrepresentation." Not a "report." A direct quote.
  18. Your "debunking" was for a Bloomberg article. I posted an article from Reuters and a different reporter. Are you saying all these reporters are engaged in a conspiracy?
  19. Maybe all these boosters are not such a good idea and doing more harm than good.
  20. Cue the insurance shills and the people who like to bore everyone with the details of their insurance policies.
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