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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. As an outsider who knows little about these events, it nonetheless appears that Nigel was correct again.
  2. That isn't going to happen, because more than half the country is willing to vote for Joe's corpse over Trump.
  3. The relief of a Biden withdrawal would be so tremendous that whoever replaced him would receive support amounting to jubilation. Evan Harris. And if it were to be someone like Newsom, the polling and support that Trump currently enjoys would more than flip. It would turn into a landslide. It says something that a degenerate, decrepit figure like Biden can still be evenly matched against Trump. Specifically, it says that voters just cannot stand the equally degenerate, disgusting Trump, who is in the process of squandering whatever sympathy he got from the assassination attempt. I still wish people would think about RFKjr as an alternative, because Newsom's governing would be a disaster--he would be an able and effective version of Biden and would probably give the equivalent of statehood to PR, Haiti, and half of South America. At least letting their people vote in American elections.
  4. Biden or Trump, doesn't matter. America looks weak with Biden, so China attacks Taiwan. America doesn't care with Trump, so China attacks Taiwan.
  5. I honestly think if Trump is doing this and serious about pulling the rug out from under Taiwan that we will have a full scale disaster on our hands. DJT wanting to weaken the dollar while piling on tariffs will sink what's left of the middle class and their standard of living. These two worthless old goats, Trump and Biden, are a disaster. RFKjr the only possible choice.
  6. The gardens are nice enough, but I can't believe people go there in such numbers other than it's convenient to do so. But above Angkor Wat, the Great Wall, and Taj Mahal???
  7. Thai films don't travel very well. Every now and then, a good one pops up, such as Once Upon a Star. But they are few and far between. That's what happens when you have an industry that doesn't pay well, and its best directors need to work in commercials to make ends meet.
  8. I doubt that people in the US care about the UK or what its politicians think, except maybe the ones who like to watch PBS.
  9. Here is an interesting biographical sketch. Don't know if it confirms your posting. It is what it is. More here: https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40030483
  10. Like I say, it was only the one time, and it was a payroll check. When I deposit large sums of cash, say 50,000, they didn't check. But I haven't made anything but electronic deposits or transfers since 2020.
  11. I have been asked for my passport to make a deposit. It was back in 2020. I don't know how common that is. Generally, my deposits are electronic ones. And when I do a withdrawal from my locked SSA account at Bangkok Bank in person, I have the teller transfer it to my other atm account. So they always check the passport.
  12. I just went today. They copied the front and visa expiration page from passport and had me sign it before I could complete a withdrawal. This was at Bangkok Bank at Central Pinklao. It is something new, because I was not required to do this in the past. In fact, two months ago, when I went to the same bank, I withdrew 40,000 and they didn't require any copy of the passport pages. I asked why, and the teller said not needed on amounts below 50,000. But now it's needed.
  13. The "vandalism" will eventually grow into a full blown terror campaign, especially if there are only minor penalties and fines for these acts. A couple of years jail time and huge fines plus compensation will send most of these people back to their parents' basements.
  14. I'm unaware of any extensive "money grabbing." If you have documentation, I'd be willing to listen and learn.
  15. I believe the Shins to be exceptional in their undertaking. And be brazen about it.
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