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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Possible. But the ingrained slouch, immediate nod into the phone, and the twisting on their heels gives it a great deal of authenticity in my book.
  2. He's a nuisance streamer. This story has been all over Twitter/X for two or three days now. To say this guy and his friend, Johnny Somali are hated is a massive understatement. There is worldwide unity on this issue.
  3. Ran 120 flights of stairs, as I do every morning. Then, off to Lotus and back before the crowds hit. Next, into the backyard to trim back bushes and trees this afternoon.
  4. You miss the point. It's not about the actions per se. It's the Thai response to the actions. For the nationalities you mentioned, similar incidents resulted in severe repercussions (see Swiss doctor kicker, New Zealand cop beaters, and the German biker gang member a while back). Why are Russians getting a pass for what appears to be worse behavior (kicking a pregnant shop owner inside her own establishment, killing an American motorcyclist and his girlfriend) and the result is meaningless punishments or none at all?
  5. Same ones who helped with the Yellow Line?
  6. 35 and 54 percent humidity in Bangkok's western suburbs. Seems like usual. 35 or 36 is okay. I won't complain until 39 or 40.
  7. The sub is needed because it will necessitate permanent Chinese military "technical advisers."
  8. Bob. Meet Greg. https://twitter.com/greg16676935420
  9. Many reasons. Not least is the sameness of the product. Movies (and TV) look the same (washed out grayscaling the photography), by the numbers casting, juvenile storylines, and refusal to give the customer what they want.
  10. I have most of those things as well. Run fans and the computer almost all day. But I don't use a/c during the day. Not even in 40 degree weather. I want to acclimatize to my environment. Walking outside after sheltering in a/c all day is miserable. I only use the a/c around 10 or 11pm and set it at 30 or 31. With fans, it's okay. I do turn off lights and fans when not in use. I don't have any freezers, however, and that's one thing I wish I did have downstairs. Are you using the heat for those showers? Two or three cold showers seem like heaven to me. It's so hot right now, that the cold water is coming out hot. My electric bill is almost always under 1000 baht, often during winter it stays around 750 or so.
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