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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. I'm so tired of hearing about Trump's antics. I can't take another four years of this (or Biden either).
  2. This is something I admire in Chinese tourists. They don't hesitate to complain when they feel cheated. Reminds me of the Great Loy Krathong Rebellion of 2019 in Chaing Mai.
  3. My first association, exactly. Poor R Barrow.
  4. Jared Kushner is coming to Albania. I would expect the cost of expat living to go up. https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/jared-kushners-planned-albania-resort-stokes-fear-and-hope-in-coastal-town?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social-organic&utm_keyword=dlvr.it
  5. Just hold everything via post at Lak Si, require you to make a trip there that'll cost you maybe a 1000 baht, and have you pay your 70 baht tax.
  6. Not seeing much about this, little video, few stories, and not many reactions.
  7. Marcos has made a successful 180 degree turn in foreign policy. I hope he is soon receiving support from the US. Not just military but financial and trade investments. Money invested in Thailand and Vietnam should be redirected towards the Philippines, a more important country strategically, with cultural and linguistic ties to the US.
  8. I don't know why you're hyperventilating so much. The position of my argument is indeed for Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to go their own way and follow China. That's their decision. I don't begrudge them doing so. At the same time, I don't know why they would expect the US to maintain a existing trade agreements with them, support FDI, and give them special export exemptions. But the severing I'm talking about is something I'd expect you to like, instead of get all hysterical about. Let Thailand be Thailand and fall completely in China's orbit. I have no objections to them doing so. But they'll need some other country than the US to provide them with the trade surplus they now enjoy that cancels out the trade deficit they have with China.
  9. Somehow, some way, some time, he'll be back!
  10. Only a low IQ POS would try what the OP outlined. This is the equivalent of trying to force the square peg into the round hole.
  11. I think the US and Europe should just write off Thailand. Stop thinking they are friendly, when they're partial to China and Russia. Stop giving them trading and FDI incentives. Just allow Thailand to go the way it wants and become a Chinese satellite and Russian ally. That should go for all of what used to be Indochina. Stop thinking Vietnam will ever do anything meaningful to buck its Russian and Chinese backing. Laos is already China plus. And so is Cambodia. That leaves Myanmar. But whomever it is that holds power there will also require Chinese approval. No, the staging point for American resistance to increasing hostile threats from this region should be the Philippines. Marcos has completely turned the country around from Duterte's lunatic ideas. The US should back him to the hilt, militarily and economically. Every US penny going to Thailand or Vietnam needs to be shifted to the Philippines. No more favorable trade and FDI deals. Let Thailand and the rest follow their own starry eyed Chinese destiny.
  12. Whatever happens will require the permanent basing of Chinese "technicians" in Thai naval ports.
  13. What you wanna bet they're going to make you eat bugs instead?
  14. Got to the top of page 5 of comments. Hook, line, and sinker. 555. Think'll wear two or three!!! Maybe four!!!!
  15. 2:30pm in western bangkok: 41 and 29 percent humidity. That last number makes it bearable.
  16. You can see the male is a low IQ, bullet-headed piece of trash.
  17. No, not "a policeman." They attack a "police team."
  18. Until they hit about age 32-34
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