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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Six or seven months ago, when online was going very, very slow, I also started mailing in 90 day notices. While it was taking 10 or 12 days for online to work, mail was even longer. I did always receive replies from both eventually. But the mail would take almost until the next 90 day was due before I received it. 10 or 11 weeks. Nowadays, online works okay. Just a couple of days at most. I would go back and try online if I were you.
  2. I put this question to Google Gimini. Here are the results. Gemini thinks he might be involved in real estate investments!!!!
  3. Vietnam is going to be the next China, so probably not a good retirement idea. Vietnam is in the middle of a purge by hardliners of the economic liberals. It's being done under the guise of getting rid of corruption. Just like Xi did in China. China is going to be their model. And the Communist Party of Vietnam is going to restore and strengthen ties with the PRC. The general populace may not like the Chinese, but the Communist Party will align with them against the West and to restore dictatorial rule. They don't care about the economy. They're willing to let it suffer to regain absolute control. Just like in China. And nobody from the West, especially the US, is going to get military ties. The US in particular has just been played for a sucker by the Vietnamese in order to get investment that they'll now see redirected to Chinese interests. Retirement in Vietnam? Not unless you like jail cells.
  4. Why does any Westerner still go to Phuket?
  5. Looks like the heat wave has begun to break in the western Bangkok suburbs. Still 29 at almost 10am, light rain, breeze, cloudy. Feels good.
  6. Also known as the "reality response." If you want western standards, then you're going to need to pay for them. The only way to do that is higher fees and taxes. Okay, then, let's increase those fees, especially on car and truck owners. I'm all for it. Make roads and infrastructure better. Also time to increase that tax on "income" brought into Thailand before it has even gone into effect. Let's do it.
  7. Glanced at the headline and read it wrong. Thought it said "Thai Cop," instead of "Thai Crops."
  8. Why? This is Thailand. I can assure you I look where I'm going and I never even take a chance on the steel plates or the concrete sewer covers. Same as having faith in pedestrian crossings. Granted, you would hope that the agencies involved have pedestrians' interests at heart. But "hope" is a dangerous assumption hereabouts. Of course, you could enact American style liability laws, and that 10 million baht payout would become chickenfeed. And the cost of living in Thailand would escalate as well.
  9. Thong Lor police kidnapped Italians about eight years ago. It was in The Bangkok Post, but as can't link to them, this will have to do. https://www.gulf-times.com/story/363683/thai-cops-kidnap-two-italian-tourists
  10. Especially if one of the side benefits is post-concussive syndrome.
  11. This guy has got the solution to the heat. Tax every individual air conditioner unit. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1787021861630681580
  12. Some of them are admitting to crimes that have nothing to do with general opinions about Thailand. If someone makes a youtube video about their building and operating a bar while restricted from doing so on a tourist visa, then they are going to get arrested. The same if someone brags about bribing authorities and the police about owning land and property. Same if someone goes on video and talks about coercing sexual favors from a young boy. If someone does these things, they are going to get in trouble.
  13. It's not the daytime highs that have been so much a problem as the nightly lows, which are sticking around 30 and 31 in the western edge of Bangkok. Evening has been utterly miserable, especially as the roof tiles absorb direct sun and start radiating heat at night, too. Just want to see a few clouds and afternoon showers to cool of the roof.
  14. I see the food blogger didn't bother to mention the multiple violations of tourist visa restrictions, work permits, and other even more serious matters.
  15. Where did it go? Was here this morning, and now it is gone. Not on the left or right.
  16. It's been so long since I shipped a load of books like this that I don't know if the service is still available. But there used to be book bags you could ship books. They were like canvas military duffle bags. Prices were low but it might take 3 months to receive the shipment. I used to ship them from Germany to the US. But this was a long time ago.
  17. RFKjr polls quite well, especially with so little campaigning so far. It appears the Biden admin and its lackeys are the ones in a panic about him. They're using lawfare to try and keep him off ballots. And instead of discussing his policies and platform, you're likely to get a laughing emoji on AN. If people looked and read and listened to him, they would see a clear preference. I just don't see how people can justify voting for one of the two octogenarian nitwits.
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