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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Have you seen what they do on the floor of the US Congress (oops US Senate hearing room)? But, yeah, those Thais angry have a right to be. Seems like every degenerate POS from the West thinks they have a license to misbehave and go criminal or semi-criminal just because they paid for a plane ticket to Thailand. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/capitol-police-close-probe-senate-sex-tape-finding-no-evidence-crime-rcna136742
  2. Like owner, like dog. Put down the dog, and lock up the owner.
  3. I love these. Haven't had any in a long time. Now, I've got to find some.
  4. These topics always bring out the cranks.
  5. Narcissist Trump and Brain-impaired Biden are not my problem. I'm voting for RFKjr.
  6. Didn't China just start filling a new dam on the Lancang, further reducing water going downstream? Is this a payoff to stop "authorities" from complaining?
  7. Don't give a flip about the UK. This topic isn't about the UK. This is Thailand and I can get treatments as soon as needed. BTW, you can't get immediate care in the US either. It takes weeks to get an appointment with a primary, unless you want to go into the emergency room and pay through the nose. Anything that works to import US standards and costs into Thailand is a disaster and should be resisted. Nice to see the worthless ambassador stop posting pictures of his jogging trips long enough to raid the Thai health care system.
  8. Won't help if you're also behind someone who has a wad of coupons and is scanning them while the cashier double checks for the items before they go in the cart.
  9. Khaosod reports that it is a Chinese owned warehouse. Chinese owner bought the cadmium from another Chinese man. Thailand going to be the same as China, an environmental catastrophe.
  10. I've watched the entirety of 3 Body. Thought the scenes of the Cultural Revolution quite good. Unfortunately, there is the rest of the series. Yes, they're casting for diversity. And somehow they've managed to find almost an entire cast that can't act, including Rosalind Chao. Terribly dull. Seems written to appeal to teenagers, with angst ridden "deep thoughts" being passed out in bars and bedroom conversations. This is what a 15 year old thinks is serious and important. Usually dark and gloomy photography that passes for "art" these days. And the conversations consist of growls, mumbling, and grunts. Can't hear vast passages. Need subtitles for the English.
  11. Does this mean no more pirated installations of Windows?
  12. Hard to see how much more their debt can be than it is now.
  13. Thailand needs Chinese triads and Russian mafias? That's at the root of the problem in Phuket and elsewhere.
  14. I'm so tired of hearing about Trump's antics. I can't take another four years of this (or Biden either).
  15. This is something I admire in Chinese tourists. They don't hesitate to complain when they feel cheated. Reminds me of the Great Loy Krathong Rebellion of 2019 in Chaing Mai.
  16. Jared Kushner is coming to Albania. I would expect the cost of expat living to go up. https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/jared-kushners-planned-albania-resort-stokes-fear-and-hope-in-coastal-town?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social-organic&utm_keyword=dlvr.it
  17. Just hold everything via post at Lak Si, require you to make a trip there that'll cost you maybe a 1000 baht, and have you pay your 70 baht tax.
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