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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Quite right. If there weren't a sizable number of people wanting Hawaiian, then it wouldn't be on the menu.
  2. Yeah, Hawaiian pizza is great. Love it. Otherwise, I make my own.
  3. So, the most favorable balance of trade for Thailand is with the US. But Thailand does everything it can to minimize American influence (and Americans) in Thailand. And the US embassy just stumbles along. Perhaps one day the US will start stricter inspection of Thai imports and tariffs and wall them off.
  4. Yet another Thaiger article where people and things are "soaring" and "whopping."
  5. Reports of anybody else having had this happen to them at Chaengwattana? Or is this run around a one off issue?
  6. The low in the far west suburbs of Bangkok this morning was 1 degree lower than yesterday. The high so far today is 1 degree lower than yesterday.
  7. So, digital wallet payouts. Money losing BTS subsidies. Tourist insurance payouts. Now, another 60 billion baht bailout of Covid insurers. How is the baht not collapsing? Who is going to pay for all this? (Maybe see farang tax topic?)
  8. More and more of these embarrassing articles with so much puffed up purple prose.
  9. Who is going to guard Zuckerberg, his family, and all this property after the apocalypse? I know he has security teams. They going to work for him when money no longer matters? Or are they going to turn on him, kick him off his own land (or worse), and take it for themselves? Post apocalypse I don't see Zuckerberg as having much under his control that anybody else needs.
  10. 200km more of expressways to be brought to a screeching halt when the police set up road checks.
  11. Seems like a lot of work to me. Sometimes I'm happy to be a peon and satisfied with my station in life. Obviously you know how to protect yourself and have given it a lot of thought. Which leads to the question: just exactly who is going to pay? If everybody like you has it protected, what's the purpose of the new tax law? Who are they going after?
  12. From what I can tell, for peons like me, there isn't going to be much impact, if any. But the guys and gals with income levels that meet, for example, the Long Term Visa or Elite Visa, those people are going to get taken to the cleaners.
  13. JKN tried to export them. JKN is bankrupt now. Otherwise, I think they intend to keep bringing low cost productions to Thailand, where the producers can avoid the expensive costs in places like Hollywood where you must enforce union guidelines on fire, water, and electricity usage on set. In Thailand you can cut corners and make cheap movies that will generate a profit.
  14. Thai silk was once world renowned. But it took an American to do it. And he is long, long gone. Sort of like the Thai silk industry.
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