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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. I think the Burmese generals government could collapse almost instantly. People should be preparing now for what will be needed after it falls.
  2. Chinese technicians will lead to a permanent Chinese presence and eventually a Chinese manned port facility and naval base. Perfect match for the one they've already got in Cambodia. The Gulf of Thailand is becoming a Chinese lake.
  3. But the O or OA? I'd guess they're applying from Britain and would need hospitalization insurance upon arrival??? Or do they come in on the medical visa? Whichever way, they're going to need a lot more money than the 1500/month the article indicates.
  4. What sort of visa are they on? The 800,000 in the bank or what?
  5. Just might be that the Burmese generals are about to lose this war, unless they bring in Chinese troops (although I do wonder if the Chinese might be supporting both sides, just in case). Then, what will Thailand do with a Burmese government on its border that Thailand conspired against? Thailand picking the losing side again?
  6. So, we're talking Joe Besser level stuff. Watch out for when Srettha walks into a room with a seltzer bottle or pie. You know they're there for a reason.
  7. It seems like they give out much more in value at the beginning of the promotion and then dwindle. I give mine to my housekeeper. I'll bet over the years they've amounted to three or four thousand baht.
  8. Myanmar's situation is looking more and more interesting by the day. The generals in charge appear to be losing. Would be the only way they hold on is to bring in Chinese troops.
  9. I do wonder if the Chinese subs and/or frigate come with Chinese "technicians," who, after their initial deployment might become permanent. And that is what is going on, here.
  10. Is this all they do now? Being the party in opposition, do they ever bother to oppose anything the government does anymore? Or are they determined to investigate themselves into oblivion?
  11. Netflix has a wonderful Thai movie out, Once Upon a Star. I haven't seen The Undertaker. People don't realize just how small the Thai industry is. Even if you only work around the edges, you'll soon know everybody involved. It's small because Thai language films struggle to support themselves with a domestic box office or TV/online distribution. Thai films, with an exception every now and then, just don't export well. Fact is, the industry has been dependent on (primarily) American productions seeking cheap offshore locations that cut corners (see people wearing flip flops on set, instead of steel toed boots, lights rushed up without sandbags in order to squeeze in extra setups). I suppose the companies still dominating things are Living Films, Grand Elephant, and Kantana. There' s an American owned production company, Greenlight, that's also fairly active. The rest is mainly boutique production houses, with many for animation piece work. Thai film directors still need to work other jobs to earn a living. It all lacks a certain amount of focus. Here's what Thai filmmakers do well: cinematography, set design, art direction. They make good horror films. Less well are acting and especially sound. Frankly, I'd rather watch old Thai cinema from the 50s, 60s, and 70s than most of the stuff put out today.
  12. Don't ride elephants, pet tigers, or feed the bears. You're asking for it.
  13. People in high rise apartments can run the stairs. Put in about 120 flights of stairs per day and be better off for it. And whenever it is an option, walk to wherever you're going.
  14. Is this supposed to be funny. Or did you actually incite people to commit acts of terror?
  15. My house in suburban Bangkok has been "cool" since late September. Haven't even been running the aircon at all. Seems fine to me. Hope it stays this way for the five months.
  16. Interesting however that the PM is now worried about what he has allowed to happen. There is a fanaticism that merges with madness among anti-semites. It's nihilistic and seems to want to bring down every foundation stone on which civilization itself rests.
  17. This is pretty basic to fighting a war. You try and eliminate your enemy's ability to maneuver and organize. Hamas is a government and a military force. Israel should by all rights seek to limit its ability to communicate and coordinate its actions. This happens in every war.
  18. American investors should reorient themselves towards the Philippines. Thailand is becoming a hostile anti-American member of the Russian/Chinese Axis.
  19. Yes, PTP came through with their electricity reduction just in time for the lowest usage months of the year. Now, rates will come back with a vengeance when electricity use will increase and then soar in April/May. We will pay several times over for this late year discount.
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