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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. You think we're barbarians?
  2. Chili con queso is divinity. You can make it easily enough by melting down some velveeta mixed with a good salsa. Good salsa is also hard to find in Thailand. Primo salsa would be Pace Picante Sauce (hot). I've seen Old El Paso in Tops. At least it's "medium." Most other salsas are mild for some reason. Why mild salsa in Thailand of all places?
  3. Hey, it keeps your fingers from getting messy.
  4. Cheez Whiz is convenient. And you can't make chili con queso without Velveeta.
  5. Anybody seen Cheez Whiz in Thailand? I mean the kind in the can you can spray on top of a glass of wine. Oh, and Velveeta, too?
  6. I still wear a mask when getting a taxi or going into Bangkok Bank and stores and small shops. It seems to help put the Thais at ease, and the bank requires it.
  7. I agree. At least having a plane ticket, a passport, and their own luggage, Thai travelers would demonstrate more self sufficiency than the vast numbers coming illegally and be given free stay and support. Much more likely to see these Thais on a visa free entry go back home than the mobs crossing illegally.
  8. The US ought to go ahead and do it. It's not like they're trying to keep out anybody anyway. At least if the Thais come in, they'll be doing so on their passport and US authorities will know who they. Unlike the millions pouring across the southern border who are unidentified and given money, housing, and travel to their destination of choice.
  9. This entire topic is filled with insults against one poster, Thaibeachlover. I'm not sure how these posters avoid being in violation of the AN's rules and standards. This isn't some bash easy topic in General or Community Lounge fora. It's in a World News forum, and its been turned into an assault on one member.
  10. It only costs a few thousand baht tops to enter most film festivals. And only if your film is selected for a showing do you need any extra money to attend. This has "junket scam" written in pulsating blue and pink neon signs all over it.
  11. Anyone following International Living's endorsement of Ecuador a few months ago would now find themselves in the middle of what appears to be incipient chaos and anarchy. Things can change quickly, when the undercurrents of unrest are papered over by cost of living tables, seaside views, exotic jungles, and trips to spectacular mountains.
  12. Safety? Just followed a link to the Phuket subforum. The entire first page looks like Gunfight at the OK Corral.
  13. Forget Prawit. I want Prayuth back. The good ole days of no income tax and stable requirements for visa extensions.
  14. Those teachers are products of the university system, which is why the universities need to be the priority. Teacher training is a problem. So is overall curricula at universities, along with university hiring policies--especially of marginally qualified and essentially non-qualified foreigners.
  15. If you're sending your old passport back in the application for a new one, then how do you go to the post office and use EMS? You need to show your passport, which is now inside the package, in order for the post office to accept your package.
  16. In other words, don't be caught standing beneath or anywhere around the Pink and Yellow Lines.
  17. Absolutely must have the submarines here in Thailand. Otherwise, it's going to be difficult to explain the need for Chinese "technicians" and naval personnel permanently stationed in Thai ports and shipyards.
  18. Not the same but similar to Harbin in the early part of the 20th century, when Russians took over the city and eventually forced a joint Soviet-Chinese administration. One of the few good things Japanese Manchukuo did was to kick out the Russians. Given the chance, they will colonize and take over wherever they go.
  19. FYI, just received my SSA deposit at 4:25. Bangkok Bank.
  20. I wish the wai would replace the handshake everywhere. I dislike being made to feel obligated and touch someone else's contaminated flesh.
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