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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. FWIW, there have been times when SS direct deposited my payment on the 3rd that also was a Friday and there was a holiday on the next Monday. So I didn't get my deposit until the next Tuesday, which would have been the 7th.
  2. Just called Bangkok Bank and after being put on hold, the person answering the phone said there "might" be a delay. I know my SS deposit was made to Bangkok Bank yesterday, because it shows as being transferred yesterday on the My Social Security website.
  3. I actually agree with you. I get tired of seeing stories about the USA sourced from the BBC or The Guardian.
  4. Most under reported story. This is what a true genocide looks like. And hardly anyone noticed or objected.
  5. This you, fellow traveler? https://chinamediaproject.org/the_ccp_dictionary/old-friends-of-the-chinese-people/
  6. I was referring to ex-president Claudine Gay's plagiarism. I wasn't all that upset by her congressional testimony, which was pretty much routine CYA that blew up on her. BTW, the entire Claudine Gay story seems never to have appeared on Aseannow. Elon Musk's hq building rent made it, but not the world's top ranked university having a cheating scoundrel as its president.
  7. Just a matter of time before Americans and Europeans need approval from the PRC embassy to get their extensions.
  8. They'll waive those for the Chinese, too. 800,000 in the bank? Waive it. 90 Days report? Waive it. Requirement not to work? Waive it.
  9. Maybe we still are, "filthy falangs," that is. This news about wanting to see more Americans and Canadians can't match what was just reported for the Chinese. Yep. Just come right on in. This is an open door policy. The number of triads, illegal workers, scammers, and outright criminals will skyrocket. All while Americans wait around for weeks on end to get visas.
  10. Who knows? Airports in California appear to be safer than homes. Here's something I didn't even know was an issue. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/chilean-national-burglary-ring-targeting-upscale-neighborhood-back-on-the-prowl-san-diego-police/3177010/ They even have their own acronym, SATGs (South American Theft Groups). https://youngkim.house.gov/2023/06/23/young-kim-works-stop-chilean-gang-home-invasions-protect-public-safety-orange/ Living in airports just might become a thing, a safe spot amid an ocean of theft, robbery, violence, and disorder.
  11. Wonderful. So now American airports will start to look like San Francisco.
  12. Why should the government be "equitable" in their treatment of loan sharks? Loan sharks should be arrested, put out of business, fined, and jailed. And debt owned to loan sharks should be seen as illegal and cancelled.
  13. A side on photo of the ship looks even more frightening to me. https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-where-millie-young-missing-brighton-artist-believed-trapped-inside-vessel-180-feet-underwater-boat-capsized-thailand
  14. Update on the British tourist. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12903387/missing-british-millie-young-trapped-sinking-ship-thailand.html
  15. I don't want to give up control or possession of my passport. I'm nervous enough when immigration takes it to the backroom for final review and authorization.
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