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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Come on, what do you call that thing? Tell me. I dare you.
  2. This isn't about Israel it is about Iran's ongoing sponsorship of terror since 1979 and the establishment of Houthi terrorists who are trying to overthrow the government of Yemen. Let Europe deal with it. I am far, far more concerned with Chinese expansion which is taking place right now and displacing Australian influence throughout Melanesia.
  3. The US can't be everywhere. And China + Russia are the bigger threats. China pushing into the Pacific in the Solomons and Papa New Guinea, plus the threat to Taiwan. Really, Iran and the Middle East should be European concerns. They're the ones utterly dependent on the Suez Canal. Let them defend it. Let the Euros solve the constant Arab uprisings and terrorism.
  4. That's the way it is. That's the way it'll stay. Forever. MFP did not have the talent maneuver politically. They put themselves in a trap. Election Commission will follow up and ban the party and Pita.
  5. You are right. I was wrong. Interesting information. Do wish the lawyer would stop wiping his nose with his finger. Rich as he is, he can afford a handkerchief.
  6. I often think that the US was on the wrong side of every SE Asian country it tied itself to after World War II. Without the US, Thailand would have looked like Laos does today. And after all is said and done the Thais ally with China. Keep American fighter aircraft out of Thailand. The US has been donating military arsenals to SE Asian despots since the fall of Saigon (1975), to mad mullahs in Iran since the overthrow of the Shah (1979), and to the stone age Taliban since the Central Asian collapse in Afghanistan (2021). No need to give more advanced military gear to a country that may well be shooting at the US when its sponsor invades Taiwan.
  7. Wouldn't be surprised to see Chinese troops, engineers, builders, and labor dispatched to Thailand to finish off the train job themselves.
  8. And all on 90 day visa free entries. At least they'll need a visa until Thailand is sufficiently occupied, as is the case in Laos, where Chinese just move in and set up shop with less paperwork than going from Shanghai to Wuhan.
  9. China: And here's a panda for good measure. Now hop to it! Thailand: Yezzuh, Bwana!
  10. Yet another day with AQI 160+ across western Bangkok. Third day in a row. Do Western embassies warn potential tourists from their countries of the hazardous air quality in Thailand and SE Asia?
  11. And don't forget that Thailand holds joint air exercises with China called Falcon Strike. Unlike Cobra Gold, where the Chinese have a presence, the US and other Western nations are locked out of Falcon Strike. The US, Australia, Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Indonesia hold separate air exercises. But Thailand opted to go with the Chinese. The US would be nuts to sell Thailand anything more advanced than a fax machine. But, as I say, they're probably gullible enough to do so. https://thediplomat.com/2022/08/thailand-china-and-the-revival-of-falcon-strike/
  12. The gullibility of the American Foreign Service and military cannot be underestimated. They've allowed Thai officials to spit in their face and give them the cold shoulder while cozying up to China for a decade now. With no repercussions for Thailand. US ambassadors and embassy officials continue to lope around Thailand with their tongues hanging out, begging for every scrap of Thai approval they can get. The US-Thai "alliance" should have been scrapped years ago. And US tech investments should be steered away to places like the Philippines. But I would imagine the US would go through with aircraft sales, even with Chinese co-pilots standing on the tarmac next to the Thai pilots.
  13. "Peace" means supporting the Myanmar generals who are on the verge of losing. Peace here means supporting the Chinese who are behind the generals.
  14. Wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to just exhibit that bear that bit off somebody's arm a few days ago?
  15. Great idea! Plenty of room for all the extended family when they move in.
  16. They're not going to fix anything. This morning was particularly bad in western Bangkok. AQIs in the 170s. But at least it just finished raining for an hour or so. Maybe that will scrub the air a bit.
  17. A couple of years ago, when I was getting my yearly retirement extension, the immigration officer simultaneously updated my 90 day. This was during covid days. She asked if I had my current 90 day receipt and made the update. Don't know why they did it, but they printed out a new one and gave it over. It was at their urging. I didn't request it.
  18. I'm not involved or knowledgeable about all the currency wiggle waggle. All I know is that a little over a year or so ago Prawit complained about the baht being too weak and asserted it needed to exchange at around 35. The baht promptly went lower. Now, what seems to be yet more complaining about a strong dollar and presto! the dollar sinks like a rusty tub the past couple of days. I'll not call it a conspiracy. But I do think it's a really strange coincidence, coming as it does when a lot of American Social Security transfers are scheduled in the next couple of days.
  19. AQI 160+ and 170+ all across Bangkok and the suburbs this morning. SOS. Same ole <deleted>.
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