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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Looks like he's in his mid to late 70s. Probably will look worse after this accident.
  2. Only six month to go until we begin to get the new form 7162 notification.
  3. Another deadbeat short term tourist. Sure would be nice if Thai officials would stop blaming people on retirement visas for cheating the hospitals, when it overwhelmingly seems to be younger short stay tourists.
  4. He's dead. And that's a good thing, because even at age 100 he was actively involved in making mischief by representing the PRC.
  5. If they had this, they probably wouldn't have gone to loan sharks in the first place.
  6. Maybe if Thai officials stopped talking about and seeking meetings over this movie, then people might begin to forget about it.
  7. After an hour, I suppose the police and onlookers were assured he had run out of money to toss off the balcony.
  8. JKN worked well because it inhabited a profitable niche, importing Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Indian television. It also tried to export Thai series. But then someone dangled the bright shining jewel of Miss Universe in front of Anne's eyes. There was no one in the company to say, "no." It's an entirely family run business.
  9. I thought everyone agreed that the Thais (and Filipinos and other SE Asian farmworkers) were innocent bystanders. What's there to negotiate. Just hand them over. They're not part of this war. Why is "negotiation" even a factor, here? They know where they are and how to get them out. But Hamas is simply extending the agony and terror for as long as they can get some psychopathic satisfaction out of it. Let the Thais and third party nationals all go.
  10. Then why didn't they get all the Thai workers back? What's this game being played by holding some in captivity?
  11. There are at least three Kinokuniya stores that I know of, all within walking distance of each other in central Bangkok. I don't know how they stay in business.
  12. Thailand doesn't have a culture of reading (and increasingly neither does a lot of the rest of the world). And it happens at both ends. Teachers and Thai university faculty don't read (or write articles) and the general population doesn't read or buy books. If you ever want some empty space to relax and breathe at the mall, go to Kinokuniya.
  13. Article seems to suggest there is only one airport in Mexico. Must be crowded.
  14. What is so telling is to go and look at the income tax topic (now 140 pages and growing). People are talking about turning their lives upside down, moving out of Thailand, or relocating for half a year, all because their worldwide earnings they believe might now come under Thai taxation. Wouldn't have happened with Prayuth, because of no need to pay for the digital wallet boondoggle. Prayuth essentially was committed to preserving things as they are, which included immigration but for a couple of minor adjustments.
  15. Because the US embassy is utterly indifferent to troubles its citizens encounter in Thailand. The ambassador is too busy taking photo ops at tourist sites.
  16. The only confusion expats are likely to encounter post Prayuth is that smack between the eyes the new tax law interpretation is going to give them. Happy now?
  17. On the face of it, this looks like a fairly mild accumulation of wealth over an entire career. Would rather have millionaire Prayuth, who didn't bother with doing much to expats either at immigration or with taxes, than a bunch of billionaires.
  18. Does it matter? Seems that the only thing that MFP is interested in these days is in purging its own members.
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