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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. American Samoa. Peaceful and attractive. Were it not for my wife, I would already be there.
  2. I discussed this yesterday on another topic. These Thai elite buy homes, property, and sports teams in the West. Yet their alliances are with China and Russia. On a similar note, look at all the land that state owned Chinese companies purchase in the United States. Do you think they do it because they love America?
  3. Sorry, Mr. "quality" European tourist, get ready to fork over a pile of dough if you stay over 180 days.
  4. If you celebrated the Thai election results, you were a chump.
  5. Hard as it may be for some people to believe, Prayuth and Prawit were much more careful and strategic in their thinking and especially in their actions. Whenever there was a move toward China, it was balanced with a turn towards the US and Europe. Many of us said before and right after the election that PTP was Thaksin and Thaksin hates the West.
  6. I think that is likely to occur. Some many months back there was a story on AN about how 7 intended to put a store in every village. Pretty handy, eh? This 10,000 baht to me looks like something that is going to be endlessly circulated within its own financial eco-system and can never be cashed out. In fact, the reverse will occur, cash will gradually be forced into the digital wallet, and, like you say, purchases must take place at the G(overnment)-Store.
  7. And perhaps a demotion to the Tier 2 Watch List or even Tier 3 on the 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report. Not so much a win, then.
  8. But wouldn't that mean cracking down on the Chinese tourist triads and the Russian tourist mafias as well?
  9. How many Thais are lined up to go to Russia? Russia could offer them a lifetime visa and I bet there wouldn't be hardly any Thai takers at all. The US and European countries don't offer a similar 90 day visa because Thais are straining at the leash to get into those countries. When I go to the US Embassy, I usually see long lines of Thais stretching down the street waiting for the visa appointment. Does that happen at the Russian or Chinese or North Korean embassies? Why don't the Thai billionaires with second and third and fourth homes in the West buy houses and sports teams in Russia, instead of the West?
  10. Enhanced when standing next to the Russian midget.
  11. Why would the "outside vendors" ever participate? They only get a credit that they can apply to buying from their competitors who are in the system? Can't be many "inside vendors" in many of these remote villages within the 4km zone. Maybe one or two?
  12. Better known as the Belt and Road Forum. Or BARF.
  13. Many of said Thailand was getting an anti-Western PM and kept telling you Prayuth was better.
  14. So, Jackson Hinkle has taken out an account on AseanNow
  15. Khaosod says the number of "not the target of Hamas" Thais killed is now 29, with another added to the hostage list.
  16. Ukraine was supposed to take Russia three days to defeat and occupy. Didn't work out that way for some reason. Some people (not referring to cited poster above, here) might need to realize that thinking World War III is possible is wrong. It has already started, with war fronts breaking out in Ukraine, Israel, and soon Taiwan. The Ukrainian front is being attacked by the Russian dictator, Israel by the mullah-backed stone age Hamas, and Taiwan in the sights of the Chinese dictator, all while the Turkish dictator looking for his opportunity to jump in along with his three allies.
  17. On one side: Dictators Xi, Putin, Kim and the stone age mullahs in Iran and Hamas behind the executions of dozens of Thais, while holding others hostage. But . . . neutral.
  18. And "just happen" to have Hamas terrorists behead a semi-conscious Thai worker with a garden hoe. All put on video.
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