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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Together, PTP and MFP can call the tune. Chicken out and they'll both end up broken and ineffective. Intransigence should be their strategy. Anutin has said he will not be part of a minority government. Let's see if that holds true. If so, the opposition would end up even more rickety and vulnerable than it already appears to be.
  2. The dominoes all fell. Southeast Asia, except Malaysia, is part of the Communist Chinese Bloc, which includes China's ally, Russia.
  3. Musk has a bigger vision than most. He wants to turn the Twitter platform into a Free World version of WeChat. It's not something I would want to use, just like I don't want a Tesla. But Musk is willing to roll the dice on big financial bets. They usually pay off, or he wouldn't be the world's richest man. Twitter as a brand was too constricting for what Musk has in mind. And in this day and age, brands don't mean as much as they once did. Otherwise, we'd all still be shopping at Sears, K-Mart, Toys R Us, and Blockbuster, while using a Compaq computer.
  4. It's a nice afternoon here in Bangkok. About 33 degrees, a few clouds, and a nice breeze. Some of you old guys need to step outside, maybe sit in wicker chair on a veranda, sip some ice tea, and enjoy life, instead of dropping into constant paranoia about the weather.
  5. A relatively large portion, it seems, are criminal gangs, human traffickers, and people flouting Thailand's work laws.
  6. If their diet consists of that menu, they'll not be living there long.
  7. And they run out at the end of the month anyway, as people cash out their paychecks.
  8. People did plan ahead, if they used the online appointment system for Immigration. And many people sometimes need to plan and shift days because of their work schedule in order to do business at other government offices. This is especially true for someone who must make a long commute to Bangkok to do business. BTW, why did you need to shout and insert a hysterical exclamation mark in your post?
  9. You can't "own" the letter, x. You can own your graphic design of it. I imagine Musk copyrighted this new logo quite some time ago. It goes along with his SpaceX and Tesla X. For some reason, he has a fixation on X.
  10. I was going to show this topic to my wife. But I then thought the better of it.
  11. And there goes all the online appointments people made for that date. Not to mention the people that rescheduled their work and other matters to clear that day for Immigration or other government offices.
  12. From now on you will need to check and see if there is a holiday near a Monday and/or Friday before you schedule anything at immigration. Next up is 14 August. Best not to plan anything for 11 August.
  13. It's worse when you try to claim your luggage. https://www.nbcchicago.com/top-videos-home/mass-brawl-breaks-out-at-ohare-airport-two-arrested/3148098/
  14. Anybody on AN have an appointment at immigration on the 28th? Better be jittery now about Immigration appointments from now on. And how many other people either clear their calendar or rearrange schedules to take care of something at the government offices that will now be closed on three days notice?
  15. Chinese gangs stealing the country right under the eyes of the police
  16. By remaining "loyal" to their coalition, MPF is forcing PTP to choose to be loyal, too, or opportunist betrayers of their own promises. It's a good move. Actually, the first good move I've seen from MPF that outfoxes PTP.
  17. Because that is what made MFP popular and got its victory.
  18. It's probably not a good idea for foreigners on a Thai news forum to call for revolution and blood in the streets. It's not going to happen.
  19. The US could help sort out some of its problems, for example, by imposing either higher taxes on Thai imports or flat out bans, especially on "Thai companies" serving as false fronts for Chinese corporations trying to get around sanctions. Maybe the US also needs to solve its problem with imports that don't take proper precautions and perhaps have Thai products spend a couple of extra months in quarantine until passing US inspection? Sounds good to me.
  20. Compromise candidate needed. Clear the way for Chuwit.
  21. Is my memory correct? Didn't Thai Immigration outsource their approval of visas for Chinese citizens to the Chinese embassy? How long before China controls approval for visas of citizens from other countries?
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