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John Drake

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Everything posted by John Drake

  1. Not less but a whole lot more. Check out khaosod english today. Just google up Khaosod English Chinese Thai Real Estate Second Home.
  2. Look at the Twitter accounts for PT and Ing Shin. They are sophisticated, on target and effective. Don't see the others matching them on at least that social media platform.
  3. It's just non-ending chaos, drama-filled <deleted>show that never lets up. Who could possibly want more of this?
  4. And whaddyaknow, he wasn't arrested. Just playing everybody and trying to look like a martyr. Reports even of him wanting to get handcuffed and paraded in front of cameras. And supporters of his are now comparing him to Jesus. What a dumb brute.
  5. Not misleading anybody. The only people upset are the ones who are out shilling for this boutique bank, which had 93 percent of its deposits over the FDIC limit. SVB made low standard loans especially to VCs and in return required them to open up deposit accounts at SVB. Now, a pile of last minute loans to insiders before going belly up and again you see no problem.
  6. The loans will be sold to collectors who will end up charging pennies on the dollar for them.
  7. So, do I read this correctly? SVB gave out last minute loans to "insiders" for $219 million. Per SVB requirements, those loans were put into SVB deposit accounts. Then, these accounts were "bailed out" with full coverage when the insiders and celebrities went complaining to the US government. These people just got millions created out of thin air. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/svb-loans-insiders-tripled-219-192013102.html
  8. Going to need to take out a bank loan to buy a couple of durians.
  9. As Thailand increasingly becomes overwhelmed by Chinese triads and Russian gangsters--and as China extends de facto control over Thai institutions such as immigration, police, and industry--these type situations will become the more and more frequent norm. Thailand is being Shanghaied.
  10. Crying about nobody helping them, while their own photographer just stood there with the camera rolling.
  11. This guy got his money's worth. He'll have something to talk about for the rest of his life.
  12. Much smoother presentation today. And it'll get better, too, as time goes on.
  13. Personally, I don't want to integrate with them. My interactions, limited as they are, have found them aggressive, rude, and hostile.
  14. If there is an indictment, it will sink him permanently. He is just squealing like a stuck pig right now. Nobody will give up their life for this worthless lying lump of lard. Any indictment would end his career permanently.
  15. According to the Bangkok Post, the first commercial Chinese durian harvest is set to take place on Hainan this year. But a Chinese researcher, Weng Ming, they say, has avowed this will not affect the durian industry in Southeast Asia. Promise.
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