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Posts posted by Jen65

  1. Getting a Residence Certificate is now really difficult ( at Chonburi Immigration anyway)  . You must have a very good reason and show proof of why you need one ( ie buying a car - show purchase details ) .  I couldn't get one even though Thai Customs in Bangkok required one for importing some things .They said they would need a letter from Customs !!!  (even though I showed details/documents of the imminent import/clearance)  . Eventually Customs accepted recent update of registration / new slip in my Passport .    

  2. With bars remaining open in Pattaya  ,expect a huge influx of Bangkokians for the New Year and weekend !!  Want to stop Covid in Pattaya (or any large city ) then set up road blocks/checks (with temperature checks) NOW l! and stop anyone who does not have legitimate reasons for travel from entering .  We all know that the Airports are safe but it's the land borders and travel that spreads Covid nationwide !! Don't wait before it's to late .

  3. 5 hours ago, brommers said:

    The government is more interested in sending a Thai spacecraft to the moon than in buying vaccines! It has not contracted to buy any of the mRNA ones but will produce the Oxford AstraZeneca one after it has been approved in the UK and here. The authorities were complacent and did not think there was a need to rush. I bet Anutin will be considering this now he is in self isolation courtesy of his mate the governor of Sakhon Samut!

    I keep asking myself why has Thailand not more publicized information on what vaccines it has purchased , when it expects a vaccination programme to start , what preparations are underway for a vaccine roll-out ,  what strains of the Covid-19 virus have been detected ????? The government must be mad to have gone through all these stringent measures to protect the influx of the virus (borders closed, tourist industry shut down )  and only to find that with the vaccines now available and being rolled out in other countries ,and near the end of all these so far successful strategies , that Covid has now penetrated the defences and spreading but still no vaccines available here or a programme to adminster same !!  Wouldn't it be a stupid waste of all the effort to date if the virus was now to spread rapidly and the country still way behind others with no vaccination roll-out programme !!!    

  4. What a pity this minister does not really take due interest in cleaning up the marine environment and punishing "Thais" who are mostly responsible for the appalling state of Thailand's coastline , beaches, rivers and seas .

    The Klong here at Na Jomtien used to be one of beauty and attractive when the Yacht Club and luxury properties were built , but now look at it ! It has has become a dumping ground for disposing of wrecks / abandoned marine craft ,  full of polluted water but still ,luckily , has some marine wildlife .  Astoundingly they applied to build a waster water treatment plant right on on our doorstep ( so far didn't get approved by EEA or residents )  . Harbour Masters bear responsibility for their local waters .   

  5. On 12/10/2020 at 9:13 AM, blackcab said:

    In this situation the good are yours. You can remove them or sell them.


    As I previously stated, the owner can sell the property without your permission, however it is unlikely anyone will purchase the property if you do not release the Usufruct.


    The very worst situation for the owner is if you walk away and cannot be contacted, as it will be incredibly difficult for them to ever cancel the Usufruct.


    If you agree to cancel the Usufruct to enable a sale to take place, insist on attending the land office on the day of the sale. Do not sign any documents in advance.


    On the day of the sale the seller should have two bank cheques. One in your name and one in your partner's name. If you can't see your cheque, don't sign to release the Usufruct.

    Don't worry , I have the document all ready , drawn up in Thai by my Lawyer and ready to present just before any potential buyer is ready to sign at the Land Office !  Only then will I pull out my document to be signed first , giving me 50% of the proceeds !!! 

  6. I could fix this issue in a Jiffy !!  No more mad drivers, no more modified vehicles, no more clueless individuals , unlicensed unregulated vehicles !

    Simple REMOVE the issue of insurance and give it to the private sector where you won't get your vehicle insured without the Insurance company inspect , check history and qualifications of driver with premiums appropriate !  Then we need proper policing !!!  The latter could be a problem !

    We all know the government insurance at DLT is handed out like Candy and so unbelievably cheap that even a schoolboy can buy it !!

    Like many things in Thailand , unfortunately people will only learn if it hits them in the pocket .

    • Thanks 1
  7. 18 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Beat me to it.  My sentiments exactly.  Only 67 dead over 4 days and then in one 24 hour period 94 died.  You can not make this up.  Wonder how many of the accidents were between Midnight on Sunday and 6 am Monday morning in just that 6 hour window.  Rushing to get home before school and work.  Starting to believe that Thailand mantra for driving or riding is "Drive it like you stole it"

    no, they are  just in a hurry to meet Allah !! 

    • Confused 1
  8. On 12/8/2020 at 7:42 PM, bwpage3 said:

    Who spouts BS?


    When a person has 3 or 4 failed relationships, that person is the common denominator. No BS about that is there. I would think a person that has failed that many times would understand they are doing something wrong, but many never do and continue to fail and give away all their stuff.


    She up and left you and you are still bitter.


    Some people manage to stay married forever. Some don't work out.


    There is always fault somewhere, admitting that is another story.


    We don't know your story, it may be what you have been talking yourself into over the years, but clearly you are still bitter.


    If your shift pattern was really to blame, why didn't you do something about before your marriage fell apart?


    Marriage is 2 people 50/50. You meet their needs, they meet your needs. If a person is not getting their needs met, they split. Pretty simple concept.


    Too many people never realize that until it is too late. Then they spend the rest of their life being bitter.


    So no, it is not about spouting BS. It is about filling the other half's needs. You obviously failed to recognize that in time to save your marriage.





    we are not married , I am not bitter , we are still good friends and my ex is trying to sell the property knowing full well it was my capital that paid for it and we will split the proceeds 50/50 .  All I asked is who legally owns the contents .  All your comments are meaningless to my situation.


  9. On 12/8/2020 at 10:08 AM, jomtienisgood said:

    Is this similar to usufruct?? Obviously seems much cheaper as one wouldn't need a lawyer.. Is this correct??

    YES !  It is , no lawyer required !!  That's why I said not many know about it !!  Very cheap way to ensure you keep access to your property at the time of purchase .   It is valid for 30 years or until you die or you rescind it !!      

  10. On 12/8/2020 at 6:14 PM, Misterwhisper said:

    If we continue this folly, LGBTQI will soon have morphed into into a tapeworm construct like LGBTQIXVUP or god knows what else...


    Wasn't L (lesbian), G (gay), B (bisexual), and T (transsexual) quite all-inclusive enough for the PC twits that seem to have taken over the world? What the heck is I (intersex)????

    oh , you forgot Pansexual !!  

  11. 15 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    You think you are smarter then most people on here saying the simple 100baht document will give you some rights most people here don't know about but you mutually seperated and you want to know from other people on here how you can get your ???? out of the house ????? Please when you have something real to share come back , otherwise please stay in that house wich to your own words you have the right to untill you die . 

    we are not talking about mutual separation, Usufruct or the actual removal of personal effects - I am asking who legally owns the contents if one has paid for same and has receipts .  What I have is not a Usufruct !!

    • Confused 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Theoretically yes but whether circumstances would allow. You wont get far if the door is locked and she wont open it.

    Your best approach would be a donation to the local police in exchange for helping you to retrieve your goods.

    although we split amicably , I have "right of access "  until I die or until I rescind it ie the property is sold by agreement with both of us. It can not be sold without my agreement whilst I am alive .   There is a simple document one signs at the Land Office to give you ( the farang ) right of access and costs about 100bht -  not many know about that !!!  It is agreed and signed when the property is purchased and filed with the house docs .

    • Thanks 1
  13. If you wish to transfer monies out of Thailand ( above a certain amount - not sure if this is 20,000USD ) then for any large amounts you have to show the money was brought in ( we're talking about foreign money transferred to Thailand to buy property or even a vehicle ) . Up to about 2010 the Bank of Thailand issued something called an FET ( foreign exchange transaction document ) but since then after change of government it was scrapped and the bank just issues a normal letter/statement . However , to repatriate funds from sale of property or other large amounts you need this document and also the document from the land office / tax receipt to show you sold the property and paid the tax due .For anything else - car/boat then I would expect just a Bill of Sale would do and maybe a copy of the transfer document .


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