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Posts posted by Jen65

  1. sad that people kill wildlife if they are doing no harm and that the individual bashing the snake ( probably until dead ) had no knowledge if the snake was dangerous . Could simply have left it alone or reported it .Wildlife has a right to live on the planet just as we do !!   Luckily we have seen an increase in birds and butterflies around out Condo garden since the onset of Covid .


    • Like 2
  2. 7 hours ago, KaputtAlreadyNa said:

    Just managed to register myself for the vaccine, via online, no problems at all. Was very easy and straight forward. Just received a confirmation email that my registration was successful stating that they will contact me when I am due, atm no queue number or whatsoever. Just did a quick check at the website with my passport number, there was no results. So just wait and drink tea.


    wait , and wait , and wait ----- and wait !!! good luck 

    • Haha 1
  3. On 6/2/2021 at 1:11 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I believe the 7-11 route in only for Thai nationals in Bangkok province.


    might have guessed !  I've given up reading or considering anything about registering as it's all fake news ! Wherever one tries to register they either say " sorry but only Thai's here " or "we are not taking registrations from falangs at the moment " or "we are waiting for further news for registering falangs" or " please come back in July " or " we do not have sufficient vaccines at present " !!!! excuses go on and on !!!     

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  4. 12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I'm totally confused yet again.

    It's impossible to really know which news announcements supersede previous ones and which don't. 

    A fairly recent one stated registration has been shifted to each province.

    Isn't QueQ a national rather than a Chonburi province thing?

    As you didn't answer whether QueQ accepts passports as ID am I right to assume you don't know?

    yes, I don't know !!   Now I see an article registering for vaccination at 7 eleven - yet to read !!!  haha 

    • Like 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Thanks for that report. I've been trying to follow the specific situation in Pattaya. That's been a nightmare but I guess eventually it's got to get better because it would be hard to get worse. But when? Bears repeating. But when?


    I have a few comments on your report.

    My understanding is that registration for foreigners isn't supposed to start until June 7.
    Is it possible that you just went in too early? But I doubt that because you would think if that was the case they would have known about that and just told you, but they obviously didn't.


    The QueQ app accepts passport IDs or not?

    If you go back and read the the news article that this topic refers to , it specifically says foreigners are urged to register as soon as possible to avoid queues .

    Quote from the News Article :


    "All people living on Thai soil, Thais and foreign nationals alike, are requested to register for vaccination through designated channels, should they wish to receive the Covid-19 vaccine," deputy Foreign Ministry spokesman Natapanu Nopakun said on Saturday.

    Registering now will help the authorities with the planning of the vaccine rollout and will help to reduce congestion and long queues on vaccination day, Mr Natapanu said.

    Foreigners are urged to contact their local government hospital to register.


    I have just reluctantly download the QueQ App and about to investigate the "stated registration process " using it .  It seems to require a lot of personal information / access and I am not one for having "big brother" being able to access personal data , then if QueQ is found to be as useless as the news , it will be deleted forthwith !    



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  6. 2 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

    That's why it's called a Fixed account.

    You agree to fix a sum of money for a period of time.

    You can withdraw via the counter but will lose some interest.


    Never heard of a 'Brokers ' account at any of the banks.

    Obviously if your shuffling of cash means you drop under the 800K requirement at the wrong time, then you will have a problem. Of course if your using an agent, they can overcome these issues, for a fee.

    You don't need to have a fixed term deposit account . You can just have a "deposit" account and in one of several currencies BUT you don't get any interest .  However you CAN take money out , change into Thai Baht at the TT rate (if that was how it was brought in ). Also it leaves you able to access that capital in an emergency ( hopefully outside the 3 month prior and one(?) month after requirement for extension of stay)   

  7. 1 hour ago, connda said:

    I got two answers that were factual as opposed to dripping with sarcasm.  That's good, but the two factual answers are conflicting.  Maybe the left, but maybe not.
    So my guess is the only way to figure out who has the right to way as codified in Thai law is to find the Thai law that's applicable to driving.
    So new question.  Does anyone know the link to Thai traffic and driving laws in either English or Thai.  I'll figure out the answer to my question from there. 
    It's pretty sad that something so fundamental to safe driving is so difficult to find and is shrouding in mystery. This stuff is pretty well hammered into you between 15 1/2 and 16 years old in the West if you plan to get a license to drive.  Here?  It's a big question mark.

    You forgot , this the wild west ! anything goes  

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, HammerMan said:

    As usual a mix of badly informed persons, trolls and sensible people..

    Clearly some people are anti Thai no matter what they do.  

    This project has taken almost 5 years to reach this point and it's been carefully planned and thought out, but unlike many countries most Thai ports were built away from cities and in remote areas. This creates challenges especially as everyone knows water depths within the Gulf of Thailand coast lines are very shallow, limiting options on vessel sizes and workable port locations, hence the massive delays.

    Covid-19 has also created delays and challenges.


    As the vessel will operate on a "Domestic" basis its governed by law to be Thai Flag, Thai Crew and Thai Class. However, this does not mean its destined to sink, flounder or fail simply because its Thai... The management is totally professional, the Officers and Crew have all sailed on vessels owned/operated by Foreign Owners and their qualifications are accepted to be international standards. The vessel is also strictly monitored by the Marine Department to ensure it meets the highest safety and maintenance requirements. The owners, managers and operators of The Blue Dolphin all come from solid Maritime backgrounds with in excess of 50-60 years experience each. The current delays are due to finalising licences for the port operators to accept a vessel of The Blue Dolphin's size.  

    Prices have not been shown simply because at this stage under Covid-19 regulations we're limited to operating with Trucks + 1 Driver per truck.  Cars/passengers etc.. are not permitted at this stage.  In reply to one comment, The Pattaya/Hua Hin "ferry" was strictly carrying passengers only and operated by a Chinese/Thai connection, absolutely nothing to do with Seahorse Ferries.  We are hoping to start operating by early June once the ports receive the necessary permits and then time will tell who was right and who was wrong. 


    I wish you the best of luck .  You better hope they don't build that enormous bridge across the Gulf of Thailand .

  9. nice looking vessel but I note it is Thai flagged and therefore wondering about the qualifications and experience of the "Thai" officers and crew ??    It costs a pretty penny to run a ship like this to international standards nowadays (if it is?)what with safety management ,ISO 9001 etc etc plus crew certification ,training , hours of work regulations etc etc .   The vessel will probably operate a cafeteria with staff .

    I can't really see this taking off and being profitable.   It will shut down as a non profitable entity after a short period of operation .

    ( from a Master Mariner Class 1 , 40 years experience , Marine Surveyor ,Pilot and Port Operations - retired !! )   

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  10. one needs to understand what LPG means !!  can be Propane or Butane and here in Thailand may even be a mix ?? haha

    In Europe Propane is blue and Butane is Green and they ARE different with different burn characteristics ! Eg Propane not for use in cold climates as it may freeze  . Also , in Europe , the burner nozzles are different to reflect the different heat characteristics.   Butane has higher heat efficiency and therefore more expensive AND the pressures are different .  One MUST match the the regulator and the appliance burner nozzles to the type of gas / gas bottle used .  

  11. 8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Well for the purposes of this topic that all is academic. 

    This specific topic is about access to vaccines by expats in Pattaya. 

    What is relevant is what kinds of residence related proofs of any experts will need to access those vaccines 

    We know the original online registration system requires a pink card or Thai tax ID number. It's reasonable to assume that other options going  forward won't require that. But its too early to know the specific details yet about options that don't exist yet 

    One Thai official that the vaccines are for all people living on Thai soil. Let's be positive for now and anticipate that will happen.



    Agreed, Covid does not differentiate between Nationality / Race / Creed / resident or otherwise !! One for all , all for one !  The breaking news today indicates how vital it is to get everybody vaccinated quickly ! 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Can you point me to the links?

    The key point for this topic is whether those centers include expats or not. 

    If they don't include expats they have nothing to do with this topic.


    I'm pretty sure I recall reading that the stadium one was for Thais only.


    But as we all know keeping track of the vaccine situation for expats here is challenging as it's a moving target.

    Hi and thanks for that but my partner is Thai and she also wants to know !


  13. It was recently announced that 3 main vaccination centres will be set up for Pattaya residents  , one being Bangkok Hospital and another being the stadium for "South Pattaya residents and Jomtien beach " .

    My question is :-  does this cover "Na Jomtien "    because officially my address is Na Jomtien , Sattahip ??   Is Na Jomtien outside the area designated as " Pattaya "    and if so what is the situation for Na Jomtien ?? 

  14. On 5/15/2021 at 1:56 AM, blackcab said:


    2.3 meters high should be no problem at all, especially if your neighbours constructions are at a similar or greater height.

    sounds good to me as YES the neighbours constructions are higher than that in places so I will just get on and start my construction. I doubt  if either of the neighbours will make any noise/complaints since they have some projections (gutterings) over my boundary line !!

  15. 19 hours ago, lkv said:


    No vaccines on the market last year, but it's only a minor aspect, apart from that I agree. ????

    well finally it seems there may be an alternative which seems quite novel and untried here in Thailand !!!  Anybody like to try ?? Maybe the government should lead by example and test this out ??


      This isn’t the first time cow dung has been in the news lately. In Gujarat in western India, it was widely reported that some Hindu men have been going to cow shelters once a week to cover their bodies in cow dung and urine, hoping that it would improve their immunity and help them recover from Covid-19.



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