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bert bloggs

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Everything posted by bert bloggs

  1. We left and came to Thailand when the town we lived in was taken over by muslims,drugs stabbings ,constant wailing from the temples,and the police afraid to do anything for fear of being called racist
  2. Thats right,so move on
  3. Sick of reading remainer posts day after dsy after day,get a life ,
  4. Born a man/ woman die a man/ woman,no matter what you think
  5. Cant imagine living back in my old home town in the Uk ,it used to be lovely,now its like a Muslim state,17 years ago we came back,now our son runs a company. And your not afraid of being mugged,or stabbed,living here in Thailanf
  6. Well my sister was coming in feb amd my daughter and familly but cant afford it already ,and he wants to put prices up, Wonderful Thailand
  7. Just read iin a paper,a couple have had to cancel their weding reception,which the had booked for monhes and their overnight stay because it was being taken over for illegals yo stay,britains gone mad.
  8. When you die and have been claiming the yearly rises,what happens too your family that said you lived with them in the uk? Will they get prosecuted?
  9. We were in central mall today ,bands of single Indian men ,about 8 were sitting at the next table,one was eating a small snack, big spenders these indian guys.
  10. We came to Thailand ,no woke rubbish here,oh and our rubbish is collected twice a week
  11. The 50s,but in those days the immigrants that came were invited and there to work not scrounge of the state.
  12. When we first went to live in the uk,it was simple bringing my then fiance over. Now if we want to come back,i must earn 18600 pounds,and have a home to live in .well we have a place to live but i dont earn 18600 a year Easier to get a boat ove for her and claim asylum, crazy or not anyway so glad i was born when Britain was full of British people
  13. They visit every year here in Pattaya,they never come in the house chat to the wife and the lady next door ,gone in 5 minutes.
  14. Thats rightfor an ecg
  15. My old home town has a hotel full of them , a friend of mine who lives there and i talk to regularaly ssys its nothing but trouble,although they dont report it in the papers ,its constant trouble there.
  16. Get a pink card,ive said it time after time,my costs go right down at Chonburi hospital,elecyrocardiagram 2050 baht
  17. I am sure no pensoners over here do that ,do they? Well a one or two dont,lol
  18. Nor me,mind you i dont watch videos telling us how the earth is flat either
  19. Could it be that they just work for small wages and then claim benifits?
  20. Luckily we moved back when it was easy ,had a home to go to,our son was5 went to a nice school until he was 12,then the school he had to go to was awfull ,i know he was an immigrant,but this lot were so bad they had to have police at the gates going home time, we decided to leave the Uk for good,the town was now a horrible place,full of non British shall we say,anyway sold up 17 yrs ago came back ,son went to private school then uni and now has a fantastic very well paid job . My wife and son loved the UK travelled all over ,but now we own a lovely 3 bed det house in Pattaya. Been back quite a few times ,its not the country i grew up in ,my old home town now is a foreign land.
  21. Just watching the latest series of all creatures great and small,really like it,mind you in one episode there is a black farmer,didnt know there were any in the 30s,lol
  22. I cant understand how the police can not do anything,more interested in looking for hate crimes on the internet,the wonderful country i was born into ,is long gone. So glad i was there when it was GREAT Britain.
  23. Just cant believe a labour govt could be any better, they never have been .
  24. So glad we have no debt,even though the wife could afford it the wifes phone is ancient ,but she reckons " why buy a new one when this one works fine" ,same with the car ,this one is good enough ,we service it regulraly and it runs really well, who am i to disagree,i hate having debt ,
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