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bert bloggs

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Everything posted by bert bloggs

  1. Was there friday for check up after my cataract op ,eye test ,ssw doctor ,got new eye drops 590 baht ,seems ok lol
  2. Oh Britman,how many honest guys living in Thailand would ever do such a naughty thing?
  3. Hi Sheryl I get my invoice when i pay my bill,its in english and Thai,i notice that it says something about 2 different charges for falangs ,wonder why
  4. If you are able to,go to Chonburi heart hospital,it is a govt teaching hospital, prices there are very reasonable ,i know i use it and prices have not risen for foreigners( well not for me at least)
  5. I dont need to so many already disagree with man made climate change,in the 1800s you could hold fairs on the river Thames because it froze over then,what caused that? In the middle ages they gree grapes in the south of England because it was so hot, in the time of the dinasours some areas were 65 degrees fahrenhite,why? Its nature. I do agree that rivers are now running dry,there are billions more people to feed and water,when i was born there were 3 billion on the planet,now 7.5 and by 2050 12 billion is estimated ,god knows how bad things will be then. They all have to be fed and watered. Britain look out the dinghys are coming.
  6. So what caused it 2000 yrs ago ,when it happened then ,chariot racing? Its nature doing what it has done from the begining ,i know its bad and there billons more of us now,the future lools bleak.nothing humans can do to change nature.
  7. Yes i tried to watch this,but not only the dialogue was bad the acting is terrible, i mean awful
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