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bert bloggs

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Everything posted by bert bloggs

  1. My pink card has been very usefull always get Thai price and when i was in a govt hospital all charges were lower as are my meds.
  2. I cant see hardly any mone pumped into the economy,its only a very very small amount of same sex couples get married
  3. Just outside Pattaya ,3bb very good hsrdly any problems ,
  4. Just watching the responder with Martin Freeman ,wow,he is a cop and is completely <deleted> ed up as is everyone else in the series ,its very good just watched the first three episodes ,two more to go ,cant wait till tomorrow.
  5. My samsung cost about 5k its great does all i want and takes good pics ,keep trying to get my wife to get a new phone but she says the clockwork still runs really well. Now our son ,well his phone cost more than my car ????
  6. Dont know about ranting ,but no posts for ages ,where is everyone? Waiting for their rise in april i suppose lol
  7. While we are having a competition to see if boxes are ticked,just started watching the 3rd series of The Bay,which by the way 1 and 2 were really good. Well series 3 has a new female detective ,she is black,Muslim woman with white boyfriend ,she has a disabled son he is deaf her son had a white girlfriend so yipee so many boxes ticked,????lol. Lets hope the story holds up
  8. The only good thing about covid is no Chinese tourists here in Pattaya.
  9. Ime not,it wont be my problem but i fear for my grandchildrens future
  10. And judging by the state of most of their countrys,it will not be a nice world.
  11. I know its not PC to state many things these days but many societys these days are having less children ,the ones that are having more and more are the poor African nations and those of the Muslim faith,they will eventually take over as they will be the majority. Sorry if this offends some on here but the truth sometimes hurts.
  12. I remember years ago going into a well known place and seeing child porn dvds on sale,could hardly believe it
  13. Just hope i die quickly,i have had an amazing life,to be honest some of it i can hardly believe i actually did it. Now after quite a few wives and relationships i am married to " the one" as my 3rd wife called her,and its been 25 yrs ,lets hope i have a few more good years.
  14. When we go into a store or walk on a busy st we always wear a mask,but when we are in the car or walking where there is nobody close we dont ,been seen by the police only today,nothing said.
  15. Thanks for that,did not realize it was a box ticker,wont bother with it,by the wa series 4 of The good karma hospital has just started, anyone who has watched the series will like it .
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