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bert bloggs

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Everything posted by bert bloggs

  1. Just downloaded the crown series 1 the wife is loving it.
  2. I wonder how many here with a uk address will get the 300 pound heating benifit on top of their 10% rise,lucky boys
  3. I gave up smoking when they went to 7 shillings a pack,you work out how long ago that was????
  4. What both of them ? You live in adifferent world from most i fear
  5. We hav E traved all over England Wales and Northern Ireland my Thai wife and son have never ever ,ever in the 7 yrs we lived in the Uk and our son went to school there ever ever sufered racial abuse in fact quite the opposite.
  6. Yes we need a new thresd Enoch was a long time ago
  7. Does that include the 3000 dinghy folk who arrived on British shores yesterday? Free hotel room ,free tv and wifi ,3 lovely cooked meals a day,and oh spending money but dont worry every one is a nurse,a doctor, or a proffesional. Meanwhile,fred the pensioner who paid in all his life sits wrapped in a blanket.
  8. You are being very silly,most of us are married to Thais have half Thai kids and are fully integrated,ee dont riot or cause much trouble,stop ,oh i give up
  9. Talking to my daughter yesterday she said " dad you would not believe how food prices have risen ,its lucky my business is doing so well or we would have to go short of decent food especialy fruit.
  10. Well we all know the Indians are big spenders ," another water gentlemen? " it has been 2 hours
  11. I saw earlier someone posted how many people of colour were out in the crowds for the queen, so when i was reading the news i blew up the pics in Edinburough in London and a few other places they were 99% white hardly a perrson of colour in them.
  12. Oh your so clutching at straws go Away
  13. You are being very silly,most of us are married to Thais have half Thai kids and are fully integrated,ee dont riot or cause much trouble,stop ,oh i give up
  14. Yes like my old home town ,now where i worked in a store not one owned by a white family ,no houses owned by white familys,to dangerous to go there at night ,lots of Asian drug gangs . The street where we lived and my daughter played in the street all Asian ,mainly because there wss a girls schoo and a boys school there,oh and the local hotel is full of boat people,plenty of trouble ,but it doesnt get printed
  15. I know we had white terrorists with the IRA but thats gone ,now we have Muslim terrorists who hate us and make rivers of blood,we let them in,also constantl we se riotng stabbing and killings,when you see the pictures its invariable black youths,but sgain there are those who do not want to see
  16. Are these the same black people who were tesposable for the Brixton riots,yes lovely people
  17. Are these the same black people who were resposable for the Brixton riots,yes lovely people
  18. Read a few posts back ,i did. Well Ivor did and i agreed
  19. I dont lie,i come from a town that used to be nice ,now its not when the likes of chomper go on how henever sees stuff like this he morr than likely visits towns like the ones my sister lives inor my daughter has moved to ,if you saw a face of colour it would be a rarityy,mind you the cost of living in both places is very high,luckily my family is quite well off.
  20. Transam it is a waste of time arguing with those who do not want to see ,you just have to read the daily papers,constantly you see gangs of black youths causing mayhem,if there is a stabbing its usually them and yesterday 100 attacked a birthday party in a church stabbing one to death,there are none so blind as those who do not want to see.
  21. Just reading the paper,a gang of 100 invade a birthday party in a church and stab one to death. I wont even bother to say what colour they all were, but there were rivers of blood.
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