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bert bloggs

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Everything posted by bert bloggs

  1. Yup ,believe in God and build your churches or Mosques ,dont expect the govt to pay for them,same for lbgtqvwxy lot ,you want it you pay for it. I dont have a problem,but stop going on about it.
  2. Yes,no problem if you want to be a woman ,get your dress on and walk the streets,but your still a man,so dont expect to use womens toilets,womens changing rooms and stop going on about its normal ,its not,only you think it is .we the very vast majority dont think it is ,you want gender neutral toilets etc ,club together and build them.
  3. You can argue this forever ,there will always be a few who think that you can be whatever you want to be,they shout and shout and call everyone who doesnt agree a bigot etc,etc . Mind you only a week ago i was reading about a Japanese guy who thinks he is a dog,even had a full costume made so he can sit around in it
  4. Well its what i believe and virtualy everyone i know does,i even asked my 13 yr old grandaughter who like most of the kids today are " indoctronated" she believes women are born women,end of
  5. Ok there may be a fiew people who are not born with all the same sex bits,just like some people are born deformed, it if you are born with with a vagina a womb and the ability to bear children then you are a woman,and you can shout us down all you like but thats what the vast majority of the worlds population believe. I feel sorry for a man who thinks he is a woman ,but thats his problem sorry.
  6. Sorry,its far from satire,read about his thoughts ,he has made them plain.
  7. Bloomin heck has this gone off course or what. Come on what is a woman,certainly not a man with a penis no matter how much he thinks he is one
  8. Same way Elvis went ,so in good company.
  9. Yes we all know that very very rarely someone is born with an abnormality,it happens also sometimes people are born as midgets( is that pc? ) or with no leges or arms or deformed etc etc it doesnt make it normal , Normal is men and women no matter how loud the lgbtfyxdij on and on community shout.
  10. I temember my daughter being 9,she was the love of my lifei cant ever even imagine ltting anyone do that to her even for a million pounds
  11. Must be a hell of a job fitting 4 of them onto a deckchair
  12. I couldnt care less if a man wants to dress like a woman and even have surgery same for a woman who wants to be a man,but you cant change nature ,born a man/ woman die the same.
  13. Oimate,why are you sad,did you not have a mum?
  14. Today i read in the British news that the church cannot define a woman, Well they should have asked the vast majority of the population. My mum was one ,she had a womb and had babies,was born with a vagina and grew boobs naturaly. See simple.
  15. Well it isnt cheap any longer,with a strong baht etc so they have achieved their objective.
  16. Banglamung just recieved moderna,be quick it goes.
  17. Living in London in the swinging 60s and smoking it all the time all i ever did was go to the land of dreams and wake up hungry, ????
  18. Spent time in Chonburi heart hospital,no private rooms available,but to be honest i liked it on the ward , we all got on great with my little Thai and the other patients little english, a doctor even brought a load of young nurses to practice English on me. But do take your own pillow theirs were like rocks.
  19. Worst i have ever seen in Banglamung ,
  20. We had a had a heck of a storm here in Banglamung last night,drove out this morning and nearly ripped a cable down,luckily someone had tied a carrier bag onto it,saw it at the last minute
  21. So muslims must be predjudiced,as women cant wear Bikinies in muslim countrys ,and in many ot allowed to go out without a male relative escort,or drive in some.
  22. Trouble is with this particular religion its not what women want,but what men demand.
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