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Everything posted by terryofcrete

  1. Ridiculous airfares and Taxi Mafia are the reasons I am now avoiding Samui
  2. And one on the baby changing board and a net on the ceiling over the aisles to catch you when you hit the roof to stop you falling back down to the floor, which will be made of memory foam ..of course !
  3. I said "should be" , not could be, will be, can be , it is simply my opinion , not the law... simple english...
  4. Anyone driving under the influence of alcohol who causes a death is a murderer and should be charged accordingly. The word accident does not apply once you get behind the wheel over the limit .
  5. No free boosters for elderly or vulnerable citizens in Thailand, they cost money , and the government in Thailand don't like spending money on its people , excluding themselves , of course . I'm 75 and here in Ireland I got messages from the health authority , my GP, my local health nurse and followed by a reminder , to get my free booster recently. Same with the flu vaccine every autumn.
  6. Don't hear much about booster shots ? At home my GP chases me every 6 months to get my booster..But I'm over 65.. maybe that's it ?
  7. Was he up in the air a long time ? Seriously though I hope he is ok .
  8. Wow... that's not a lot ...In Ireland get €299 a week .. includes living alone allowance...
  9. Shower of see you next Tuesdays...lol
  10. I know people ,family and included, that would not holiday in Thailand a second time as they like wine and imported wine is a scandalous price due to tax..
  11. If there was no prostitution in Pattaya the s-hole would be empty...oh wait... there is no prostitution in Pattaya !
  12. I visited my son in Moscow when he worked there, before I Went over he warned me not to be my usual self. Don't laugh and joke with the immigration , don't hold the door open for anybody, being nice is a sign of weakness ...lol.. I also learned the spasiba/pajalsta/privyet... or whatever . He was there for 4 years , I only went twice ...
  13. Last time I looked Phuket was in Thailand ? Why should they learn Russian , wrong way round ...
  14. God help the other passengers on his flight home !
  15. Stunned and horrified. I'll need therapy!
  16. I'm a cleaner Farang when I'm in Thailand .... I really miss the bumgun when I go home ... lol
  17. If they find a spaceman with a shovel and a pickaxe could they bring him home to Pattaya to fill in a few holes ..in the Soi..of course...
  18. Oh please do ..and put it on Pornhub....
  19. My sometimes LLT lady has a QR code on her back ! She says it's a religious tattoo but I know better !
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