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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Trying to be a martyr simply by crossing a London street; you obviously think that these ‘peaceful’ pro-Palestinian protesters are a collective of dangerous, violent extremists ….. and you might well be right.
  2. Well, I’m outraged, and so is my wife; how about you ?
  3. Did you really feel it was necessary to use the appalling slaughter of this poor little girl to make some banal point about another crime ? It has only just been reported, so I am sure there will be plenty of outrage, but maybe it’s time for you to indulge in some introspection. RIP little angel
  4. I didn't answer myself because the question is undeserving of an answer; it is a loaded question, which tells the lie that the attack by Israel was unprovoked. I noticed that you did not point out that erroneous part of the question; which would indicate that you do not think firing over 300 ballistic missiles, drones, and cruise missiles at Israel is provocation, which means you are in a good position to answer the question, which was only asking for an opinion, not inside knowledge. The questioner also used capital letters in the question; this is the online equivalent of shouting at someone, and I don’t respond to people that shout at me.
  5. Then why don’t you answer it if you think it is deserving of an answer ?
  6. Would that be the same Iran that was responsible for the bombing of the Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires in 1994, killing 85 people and wounding 300 …. that peaceful nation ??
  7. Yes, the terrorists were hiding in the Iranian consulate in Damascus; which was very convenient for Israel, because these cowards usually hide in hospitals, schools, nurseries, and food distribution centres ….. or underneath them. I don't suppose you watched the video of the Iranian woman, in case it made you question your intransigent narrative
  8. No, not a direct action against Iran, or the Iranian people, but a military action against the Islamic Republic; if you do not fully understand the difference between the millions of good, cultured, Iranian citizens, and the Islamic Republic and the IRGC, under whose iron boot these millions of people suffer, then it is well worth spending 4 minutes listening to the intelligent, articulate, and proudly Iranian woman in this podcast. https://x.com/Osint613/status/1779767681471721564
  9. No, they hit a Consulate, not an Embassy; it was a terrorist cell hiding in the consulate in Damascus, which Israel thankfully eliminated
  10. Iran fired 360 ballistic missiles, drones, and cruise missiles at Israel ….. minor way, ha ha ha
  11. It would appear on the surface to be a very restrained response from Israel; however, they could simply be gathering intel on the Iranians defence systems capabilities
  12. Although it’s a serious subject, it’s always good to see a bit of satire introduced.
  13. Indeed they don’t; however, what they do have instead, is the female genital mutilation of 10 year old children, 60 year old paedophiles uncles, marrying their 12 year old nieces, usually 2 or 3 of them to ensure conception after they have raped them; oh, and they also have that charming, progressive act they call honour killing, whereby a father beheads his teenage daughter for choosing the wrong boyfriend ….. it is hardly surprising to learn the the Taliban are right up your Strasse.
  14. Surely the shop should have a door locking mechanism which staff activate whenever an item of such value is placed on a counter ...... inside job
  15. Indeed, but there is only one religion that is the problem; there is only one religion that is intolerant of every other religion in the world. There is only one religion that demands that every non-adherent to it in the world, converts to its misogynistic, homophobic, medieval culture; there is only one religion that immediately responds with savage violence if it is opposed, or even questioned. There is only one religion that is the greatest threat to civilisation as we know it ........ religion is indeed a problem
  16. There is a link to her speaking on X, posted by Wobblybob back on page 20 ..... intelligent, articulate, young and female; everything the islamists and their supporters on here despise
  17. Well, I didn’t say it about you did I ? However, thanks for letting me know that you think you are the forums number one antisemite; would never have assumed that from your well balanced and impartial commenting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. Where did the UN get those figures from, that they report as factual ..... you can have 2 guesses
  19. You're not capable of shipping a fart
  20. No, that is something that you have incorrectly concluded; you do not speak for any other posters on this forum, and nor do you have the right to claim to so do .... wind your neck in
  21. Most Thai people are Buddhist, and as such have a great deal of empathy for animals. Thai people all over the country feed the soi dogs, because they understand and sympathise with their hardships. What is obviously needed is a proper government funded sterilisation program to gradually reduce the numbers of them. What is not needed is people like you throwing away food that local people leave for them …. shame on you.
  22. Difficult to be honest to believe that you've ever really liked dogs, as you claim, after a comment like that; dogs are the most humane, loving, and loyal creatures on this planet, and none of them get a choice as to whether or not they become clean, well cared for pets, or have to scavenge to exist as filthy flea bags. As someone that has lived in SE Asia for a long time, it would be nice to think you had a bit more understanding an empathy for the plight of soi dogs
  23. Something you demonstrate with every comment you make
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