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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Well, they are all wrong; if it was a settlement, it would need to be negotiated directly between the interested parties, almost always in the presence of the police. The police need to be involved in negotiations to be sure that both parties are happy with any agreement; this insures that a case cannot be brought at a later date by a plaintive that has agreed to a settlement. She however, received a clandestine approach by a third party and was asked to take a bribe to drop any charges. It is a bribe, to call it a settlement shows a staggering lack of knowledge as to the meaning of the two words, bribe & settlement.
  2. English language version of your comment would be appreciated, when you can find the time …. many thanks.
  3. Right on the money Rob. I have a friend in Phuket who tells me the whole charity front is a complete sham, and that it is simply a cash cow, funded by the well meaning incurious and gullible.
  4. Do you hope that the victim gets justice as well, or just that the perpetrator gets justice, whatever you might deem that justice to be.
  5. So the illicit payments from this pernicious Swiss deviant have obviously been percolating through the porous fabric of governance in Phuket for some time; the Governor can have no possible way of knowing if the doctor has been approached with the offer of a bribe from a third party, or not, as the case may be ….
  6. She is not asking for money, and has turned down an attempted bribe; she is asking for him to be prosecuted under section 295, rather than section 391, which the police tried to rush her into agreeing with. Might help if you acquainted yourself with the facts before making egregious accusations.
  7. I should also have added, and far more importantly, that using a tranquillising gun means you do not end the life one of these magnificent creatures that can inhabit earth for as many as 70 years.
  8. Rifle not needed for that situation Rob; a tranquillising gun is far more effective, and much more target friendly. You are of course correct that it should be kept securely on site.
  9. You seem to have adapted seamlessly to life in South East Asia.
  10. He said he only kicked her because he thought she was Chinese, and would not have kicked her if he’d thought she was Thai …. if you don’t understand the racism in that, nobody will ever be able to explain it to you. And why are you defending this odious, entitled bully ?
  11. Well indeed, but that’s how it usually happens in Thailand. The BIB need to be involved to make sure that both parties are happy with any settlement reached; thus insuring that no charges can be brought at a later date by a plaintiff that has accepted the terms. BIB often suggest initial terms and act as mediator between the parties; they would undoubtably try and get a piece of the action for themselves if they can.
  12. Maybe you haven’t acquainted yourself with all aspects of this case; he initially said that he didn’t know it was a Thai national that he kicked. He said he thought it was a Chinese woman … how’s that for racism ? And BTW, have you got anything on topic to say about this issue, or do you just troll threads to see if you can find any comments to criticise. With the thread 7 pages old, your comment to me appears to be your first one.
  13. It’s not an out of court settlement, if it was, it would be negotiated directly between the interested parties in the presence of the police. She was approached by a third party and asked to take a bribe to drop any charges. It is an attempted bribe, describing it as anything else is a disingenuous attempt to give this bully some credibility that he does not deserve.
  14. Utter tosh Mike; if it was an out of court settlement, it would be negotiated directly between the interested parties in the presence of the police. She was approached by a third party and asked to take a bribe to drop any charges. It is a bribe, an attempt to pervert the course of justice. It shouldn’t be a surprise considering this bully has form for both road rage and illegal firearms ownership.
  15. Great idea, especially as there are no mafia operating in Pattaya to give you any problems
  16. Yes, remanded awaiting trial; so not jailed, as I thought your comment that I replied to implied. My point being that he has not actually been unfairly punished, as another poster suggested, he’s just undergoing due process ….
  17. Oh, he’s been given a jail term has he ? I was unaware of that; how long is the term of imprisonment that he has been given, do you know ?
  18. Obtuse and completely pointless comment; he has not been given any punishment yet, other than rightly having his visa revoked for physically assaulting a female Thai national from behind, whilst being a guest in her country.
  19. another victim blamer on here; this forum is overloaded with them
  20. apologist for an entitled racist bully .... hang your head in shame
  21. Is that you Urs ? I think everyone on here has sussed you out by now
  22. Are you a personal friend of this odious Swiss slug ? if not, why are you trying everything you possibly can to build some kind of defence / excuse for him, and transfer the blame for his cowardly attack onto the victim ?
  23. Maybe she just didn’t like being physically assaulted from behind by a big odious bully, who has a totally misplaced sense of entitlement and superiority …… go girl, most reasonable people support your actions.
  24. Absolutely. There are now 30 known Sharia councils in the UK; they deal specifically with ‘problems’ within their non-integrating communities, such as divorce (very unhelpful for any women) the female genital mutilation of children, and honour killings; although what honour there is in slaughtering your own daughter has always evaded me ….. very noticeable that no sons never suffer from an honour killing, it is always the daughters, in keeping with Islams misogyny.
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