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Eloquent pilgrim

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Everything posted by Eloquent pilgrim

  1. Excellent article from the Times this morning https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/2e080e0a-c651-4db3-a41f-a3ccd952b6f5?shareToken=b19c8c6de182f1d13bee3ad866479a28
  2. Karim Khan, a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, born in the UK to a Pakistani father, wants to prosecute the Israeli PM and the Israeli Defence Minister ….. quelle surprise. Khan also said he wants to prosecute 3 Hamas terrorists, in a lame, transparent attempt to appear even handed; we see you Khan, we see you.
  3. Says the man that recently changed his avatar to a pro Hamas badge, and who then reports anyone that mentions it. Still got the moderators on speed-dial I see.
  4. yippee ki-yay … he’s in for a bit of a shock, when he finds out there was a typo in the book, and there are 27 vegans waiting for him.
  5. Great footballing team, no doubt; some of their play this season has been sublime; and Foden, Silva and Rodri have been immense. However, the charges relating to FFP really need to be addressed, whatever the outcome may be; they hang like Damocles sword over all their achievements, and leaving them unresolved is unfair on other Premiership teams and is a stain on the Premier League.
  6. The singularly most important aspect of this story is not reported; what are they doing for income while they are here. It sounds more like they are on a gap year break, than actually moving to Thailand permanently.
  7. Woke nonsense; the largest number of people claiming asylum in the UK, and most other countries in Europe are coming from Albania, Iran, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Pakistan, Vietnam, Iraq, and Sudan … none of these countries are at war, so stop blaming the west, and mislabeling economic migrants as asylum seekers.
  8. Whilst I agree wholeheartedly that the UK are failing to deal with this influx of maniacs, it is a bit unfair to single out the UK government for criticism, although this incident happened there. There have been far, far, more incidents like this in France in particular, Sweden, Germany, and many other European countries. Europe is sleepwalking into the extinction of its cultural history, thanks in large to Mutti Merkel; the only countries in Europe that are avoiding this invasion of islamic extremists are the Visegrad group, comprising the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia …. and the EU are punishing them financially for fighting to preserve their respective countries heritage and culture ….. we are doomed.
  9. Well, they have denied converting your UK license, so assuming you would have no problem with the simple test to acquire a new Thai licence, it’s probably best to just do that. No need whatsoever to use an agent; not sure if a different office elsewhere would convert your UK license, but it is such a simple test so just take it on the chin.
  10. Which makes it very confusing for everyone; my marriage extensions have been done in Hua Hin for the last 5 years, and always the same: ie 30 days from day of application, and I always apply about 10 days before expiry date.
  11. Why is that ? Why should an 81 year old tourist be embarrassed about being from Israel ? Would you say that if he was from Russia, or China ?
  12. My last marriage extension expired on 23 January 2024, I applied for a renewal on 10 January, and received a stamp in my passport to collect the visa on 9 February, which I duly did. So, 30 days from when I made the application. To be clear, I do not use an agent, I apply myself with the help of my wife
  13. Disrespectful, that’s a bit rich coming from you; from your first comment you have done nothing but show disrespect and contempt for the poor guy that is the victim of this incident. You blamed him for pissing off the taxi rider, then said he was being a nuisance and probably has dementia or Alzheimer’s; then you called him a cheap Charlie, and said the same about posters that disagreed with you. Respect needs to be earned, try a little introspection.
  14. He says from the luxurious surroundings of his rented studio room ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Classic victim blaming; assuming without any knowledge, that the whole incident was the fault of the victim.
  16. That pure American brother, dull-eyed and empty-faced Races Sundays in Jersey in a Chevy stock super eight He rides 'er low on the hip On the side he's got "Bound for Glory" In red, white and blue flash paint He leans on the hood telling racing stories The kids call him Jimmy the Saint From …. Lost In The Flood - Greetings From Asbury Park N.J.
  17. I got a sixty-nine Chevy with a three ninety six Fuelie heads and a Hurst on the floor She's waiting tonight down in the parking lot Outside the Seven-Eleven store ***** With all due deference to “The Boss”
  18. Well, if the demographic of native borns (sic) in America were just twice the demographic of immigrants, that would be reasonable to accept; however, the immigrant demographic in America represents circa 15% of the population, which means that an immigrant population of 15% is committing a far higher ratio of murders than the indigenous population …. maybe maths is not your chosen subject.
  19. apologies Bob, but you did lead with your chin; not sure which one though .... 555
  20. Says big tough Bob; undisputed cruiserweight champion of 3 empty council houses.
  21. Are you aware that counselling is available for anyone that is traumatised by emojis; don’t try and deal with it by yourself, you never know where it can lead, far better to seek help in the early stages ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  22. Indeed, but paddypower is always a bit behind the times; he is still offering 10/1 on “I am Maximus” to win the 2024 Aintree Grand National …. fill yer boots ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. This is obviously new, and I am yet to read about it; do you have a link please … thanks
  24. Oh aren’t Hamas wonderful; they kicked this off by invading Israel and slaughtering circa 1200 innocent civilians including women, children, babies and holocaust survivors; they then took 240 hostage including the disabled and a 9 month old baby, and still have about 130 held (if they are still alive) six months later, and you want to give kudos to them for releasing 4. Not content with that, you also give kudos to the vile despotic Qatari regime. The only reason the Qataris have been negotiating with this evil death cult is because they have been accommodating the entire Hamas political wing in luxury apartments and hotels, and funding them. It should also be noted that Hamas has refused to negotiate with anyone else, save for a perfunctory nod to Egypt. If the Qataris wanted to, they could easily have secured the release of all the hostages months ago; breathtaking naivety to give any credit to Qatar.
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